Chapter 26

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Christie Montiero's POV

Everything felt heavy. My eyelids refused to open and my mind was blocked. It took ages until I finally managed to peel my orbes open to look at my peaceful surroundings. The ceiling was white and the atmosphere was somewhat similar. Pulling myself up with effort, I guided myself to a seating position on what I realised was Alex's bed. Adjusting my eyes, I noticed Alex in the corner of the room, dozed off in a chair. He looked so peaceful, so happy, it made a smile appear on my face. Flashbacks of previous events flooded my mind as I thought of what happened.

Lekros kidnapped me. The war. I killed Lekros. I tore his insides. I killed.

"Christie?" Alex jolted me from my thoughts. I realised he was now right next to me, a hand on my shoulder and the other one on his sides.

"What happened?" I questioned as I didn't remember passing out.

"Well you passed out after the fight. According to your parents you used up a lot of your magic, which made you weak and made you pass out. I mean you did fry Lekros' insides, which was pretty impressive little mate." He said, leaving me amused.

"What about the fight?"

"Well after Lekros died the battle stopped. The pack that was fighting us, the Eclipse Moon, they were only loyal to Lekros if he was alive. They didn't need to fight if he was dead. Same goes for the other witches and warlocks."

"Oh" was the only thing I could say. It was unbelievable that after so long, it was finally over. Lekros, hunters, warewolves. Everything. "So, it's all over now?" I asked just for reassurance.

"Yes. It's over." He replied. I let out a sigh of relief wrapped my arms around my mate, who did so much to save me. His arms immediatley engulfed me in a bone crushing hug.


It's funny how Alex went from being a random stranger I found out to be a billionaire to being my mate and a warewolf. I remember seeing Alex for the first time, I was just a dancer, an english literature student. Dancing and Thomas Hardy were my biggest concerns. And now, he is. So much has happened in just a couple months. Finding out that my mate was my parents worst enemy. Finding out that my life was a complete lie. Finding out I have a real father. Finding new friends. But most importantly, finding love in someone who can care and cherish you for the rest of your life. A couple months ago I didn't have anything in life. Now I have everything, and I will hold on to it for dear life. I'm never letting it go.

I pulled away from the hug, only to connect my lips Alex's, eager to have him on the spot. I wanted to be connected to Alex in every way possible. Body, mind and soul. I wasted no time in showing him this by reaching the hem of his t-shirt, slowly pulling it upwards. His hand stopped mine midway and his lips separated from mine.


"I want to." I cut him off. His eyes grew wide as he looked at me amused.

"Are you sure?"

"I need you Alex. Right now" He nodded and reconnected his lips to mine once again. I continued lifting his shirt until it was finally tugged off his naked torso, revealing all of his glory. My hands travelled around his chest, feeling every single bone and muscle through the think layer of skin. His hands tugged the bottom of my own t-shirt, pulling it off in one swift movement, leaving my bra on watch. His mouth left mine, only to trail a train of kisses down my neck to my chest. His delicate hands reached the back of my bra, to unclasp the hook in a quick movement, exposing my naked torso to him. Feeling self-concious, I attempted to cover myself, only to have my hands pulled away by the love of my life.

"You're beautiful, Christie." He muttered, his head buried in my breasts. I moved my head and arched my back, savouring the feeling.

His hands arrived the waistband of my jeans, and very slowly, he slided them down, touching my whimpering skin with his sensetive hands as he did so; his face still buried in my stomach, kissing his way down. My jeans were thrown to a corner of the room just as the rest of our clothes were. His mouth travelled down my stomach to my inner thighs, showering each bit of skin with soft kisses. My core whimpered as I felt desperate to feel Alex inside me. I couldn't help but release load moans at what he was doing to me and what he was making me feel.

"Alex, please" I pleaded, wanting to feel him.

He granted my wish as his head made its way back to me, kissing me tenderly till he took off his jeans. Once discarded, the only thing keeping us from losing my innocence is our underwear. His eyes connected with mine once more, with a concern expression.

"Are you absolutley sure?"

"Yes" I say, joining my lips to his again, showing him just how sure I am. He slides his hand down my sides to the top of my red lace panties and very slowly, drags it off of me. I do the same with his boxers, leaving us stark naked, as Alex hovers above me. His huge manhood exposed below me. He looks at me one last time, asking for permission to which I just simply nod, eager to feel him.

His manhood is slowly positioned at my entrance, teasing me slowly.

"It's going to hurt a bit" He warns. I simply nod, not wanting to say anything. He pushes himself through my entrance, making me wince in pain as he is fully inside. Pain floods my system but I try my best to ignore it. "I'm sorry baby" he whispers before pulling out, only to push back in a second later. With each thrust, the pain slowly dissapears until the only thing I can feel is pure pleasure. I arch my back and push myself forward to meet Alex's thrusts halfway. He increases his speed as he notices this, making fireworks explode in my entire body. We both pant for air with each thrust, both enjoying the utter pleasure. And soon, we climax together, realeasing ourself inside eachother.

"I love you so much Christie Montiero"

"I love you too, Alex Paddington"

And for the rest of the night, he made love to me repeatedly, making me feel like the happiest and luckiest woman on the planet. In that moment, no one else mattered, it was just me and Alex. Alex and me.


And they are finally fully mated!!! I'm not really good at writing R-rated scenes but I did the best I could!! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Anyways, only four more chapters till the end!!! Sequel requests?? Thanks for all the support!!!

Picture of Dylan to the side---->





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