Chapter 17

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Christie Montiero's POV

"Open the door! Open the damn door!" I yelled kicking and punching the doors. Three days. It's been three days since my mother locked me up in the room. I get food three times a day, other than that, no one goes in, and no one goes out. Alex gets even more furious by the minute, but I managed to keep him to stay home for three days. If in a weeks time I'm not out of here, I won't hold him back. I walked back to my bed, resting my forehead on the headboard. A small knock on my bedroom door jerked me up just moments later. Walking up to my door, I noticed a note slided through the bottom of the door, folded in half. I picked up and peeled it open, revealing it's contents.


I didn't tell them, I swear. I don't know how they found out. I can't open your door, but I thought you should know. They are planning to attack at midnight. I know you still contact him, so if you want to save him, tell him to leave before we slaughter his pack. 

I'm really sorry. I hope you can forgive me.


Before I knew it, wet tears were running down my face. They won't attack I won't let them. I hated Alice for not letting me out, but I loved her for warning me. Instantly I picked up my phone and dialed Alex's number, and after one ring he picked up.

"Christie, is everything alright? Do you need anything? Are they hurting you?" he rambled.

"Alex you need to get out-" just then, the line went dead.  Looking back at my phone, I realised the battery had died. I started panicking, pacing the room thinking of the various plans I could overcome to get out of the hellhound I call my room. 

I picked up my lamp throwing it across the room at my door, making the lamp shatter to pieces. I walked towards my wardrobe, sliding down it as I burried my face in my hands, sobbing my heart away. Alex was everything I wanted, I needed and I couldn't let him go. My parents had hunted down sevral of the best packs of the world and I didn't have much doubt they would rip this pack to shreds. Abruptly, I hears a soft knock on my window. Getting up from my crouched position, I made my way towards the window, as I did, I noticed an old looking man in a pair of grey pants and a white shirt through it. He had blue eyes and my hair colour. He looked quite similar. My mind shuffled in confusion but before further ado, I watched as my window shattered to pieces and the bars went flying off my window on to the other side of my backyard. I spent the first two minutes blinking in utter shock. I was absolutely petrified. A soft touch on my arm woke me up to real life. When I turned around, I saw the figure of the same man behind me, an expression of... adoration on his face? Wait, how the hell did he get in here when he was just there? What the hell?

"W-w-who are you?" I stuttered, inching backwards. With every step I took back, he took one forward. 

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm only here to let you out. I believe you have a mate to save." He replied, leaving me even more confused. How the hell did he know? Who is he? "Look I know you have questions, and they will be answered, but right now you need t go save your mate. Your parents have just left and if you go now you could still make it." He added. I realised that he was right. I needed to save Alex. I needed to save his pack. I didn't have time to think about the ridiculousness around me, including this man.

"Thank you." I said to the man, instantly running out of my window. 

As I ran through the woods, I could sense my parents getting closer. Making me even more nervous. As I approached the house I visualised as Alex opened his front door and sprinted his way to me attacking me in his warm embrace.

"Christie! Oh my god how did you get out? Are you ok? Thank god you're here. I was going crazy-" before he could continue I reached out for his shirt, pullling it down and connected his lips to mine, shutting him up. I needed him. I needed to be in his arms and feel him. I let him explore my mouth with his toungue, jolting the electric spark between us. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my place, holding me close to him. After a long passionate kiss we broke off, gasping for air as our heads were leaning on each others. He swiped me off my feet, dragging me inside the house. Then I remembered.

"Shit Alex. We have to leave now. You and your pack. My parents, they are gathering other hunters and they are coming for you. I don't know how they figured it out but they know. And they will be here any minute. You have to get your pack to safety right now." Instanly his figure stiffened.

"I will not let them hurt my pack" he growled

"I know and that's why we need to get your pack out of here right now." I pleaded. 

"No, we will not leave our ground. We will fight. We don't have time to leave either. We will be spotted and we are far too many to make it out alive. I'm just going to have to get my best warriors to fight them off."

"Are you crazy? Alex they will hunt you down."

"So you don't believe in my pack and I?" He questioned, making me feel guilty at my words instantly.

"No, of course not. But I know them Alex, and they can cause some serious damage. If you leave now, you can prevent that from happening. So please, do this now." As I spoke, desperacy was clear in my tone. 

"Christie I said no. We can take them down we have been training for-" Just then I felt a short shout erupt from the outside. As we arrived the window, the image of World War ||| was being projected right in front of our eyes. My parents were here, and the war had begun.

In the blink of an eye, I felt a sudden pain at my hip and as I looked down, I noticed chunks of blood flushing through the bullet wound. Through the window, I noticed my father holding a rifle that was aimed towards me. As he saw my face I noticed him drop his gun, sprinting his way towards the house with a guilty expression. My body felt weak and I let my body fall, only to be caught by the strong arms of my mate. The last thing I remember was a huge growl being erupted from the room and my mate's soothing words trying to keep me awake before I allowed darkness to take over.


Thoughts on this chapter?? What's going to happen next???????





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