Chapter 3

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Christie Montiero's POV 

I felt it again. The sudden electrocuting connection between us that was driving me crazy hadn't left my head since I shook his hand. Why does that always happen? I complained as I paced my room waiting for Alex's driver to pick me up. I was still confused, why did he want to get to know me anyways? I mean this was just a one time thing. Right? As the thoughts flooded my mind, I suddenly heard a knock on the door. Damn he is here! Why is he so punctual? Do I look ok? Am I overdressed? Should I have put makeup on. Damned. No time. I grabbed my purse nervousley and headed downstairs to the front door. As I opened the door I saw the person I didn't quite expect to see. Alex. He was in another one of his gorgeous Armani suits, his hair neatly brushed back and his hands in his pockets. But he said he was sending his driver to pick me up? Then why is he here? As if reading my mind, he answered. 

"Well if I sent my driver to pick you up alone, who would drive me?" I looked at him in confusion as to how he read my mind when I realised that he didn't. I was thinking out loud. Way to go Christie. Smart move. Very smart. I gave him a small, embarassed smile as I walked out the door, locking it  behind me. He held the door open as I silently slid in. He followed me and thus began the most awkward journey of my life. The drive was mostly silent which I was thankful for as his presesnce tensed me up. My eyes were focused anywhere that was not near him and wouldn't cause me to look at his perfect,  god-like figure.

As the driver pulled up, my eyes were fixed on the grand building in front of me. It was a five start hotel. No fucking way. I can't eat there. I'm wearing jeans and a crop top for Christ sake! I can't enter that. However before I could do much, the door abruptly opened as Alex stood there offering me to take his hand. I was about to when I remembered. The connection. The energy. The spark. Though I couldn't just not take his hand, that would be rude. Despite everything, I had to. Shakingly, I took it. Boom! There it was again. Ugh! What the hell is that damn thing?! I pretended like I didn't feel it, and so did he as he guided me inside the hotel, his hand on the small of my back.

The eyes surrounding us immeadiatley fixed on me with ALex. Either they were looking at my creepy self, or Alex was really famous. I think I'll just stick with the first option for now. I lowered  my head as we walked into the grand restraunt where the waitress instatnly took us to an isolated corner of the restraunt. The room was huge and covered in vivid, red paint. The setting was rather romantic, to be honest. The white marble tiles and the huge crystal chandlier dangled from the ceiling of the remarkable atmosphere as the golden light washed our faces. As a gentelman, he opened my chair for me until I took a seat and then took his own. I started to tense up as I continued noticing the eyes glued on me, making me nervous. 

"Ignore them." he suddenly said, looking straight at me. I silently nodded and did as he said. Why is he so fucking intimidating? My brain spat. His posture was so formal, his hands placed gently on the table as he stared at me without looking away. "I'm curious about you Christie." He abruptly said leaving me with a bundle of shock. What did he mean? Curious? I swallowed the lump that lay at the bottom of my throat before daring to answer.

"About what?" I managed to say, stammering, still trying to avoid his heavy gaze on me. Before he could answer, a short, blond waitress with glittering green eyes walked up to the table, wearing formal dresspants, a white shirt, posh, silky black blazer, and big black stiletto heels. Her face immediatley smiled at Alex, as she ignored me. A small pinch of jealously flowed through me as she flirtatiousley asked for our order. I managed to control the expression on my face, completley casual as we gave our order which was covered by her fake, forceful laughing. As she took the menu's back in her hand, she purposley made contact with Alex's hand sinking the feeling of his touch. Why am I even jealous? He means nothing to me. Absolutley nothing. Or so I thought. After one more fluttering laugh, she left, leaving me and Mr Billionaire alone again. In the blink of an eye, he resumed the earlier interrogation he had started, making me heat up till the tip of my toes. 

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