Chapter 21

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Christie Montiero's POV

My bare feet pierced through the moist soil as I ran away from him. It couldn't be true. He couldn't be what I thought he was. This isn't real. I was suddenly stopped in my tracks at the sound of a familiar voice. A voice I loved. A person I loved. 

"Alex?" I questioned hopefully. Was he here to save me? But before I could gather more hope the image of him walking towards me made me panic. He was back for me and the only thing I could think of was running. But for some reason I couldn't move an inch. I tried and tried but my legs wouldn't move.

"Don't bother trying. You won't be able to escape me." He said walking towards me. 

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" I sobbed. I had enough of him. I just wanted to know the truth. In the blink of an eye, he was standing right in front of me. His tall figure towering me as he held my shoulders, shaking me.

"Wake up. Wake up. Christie baby wake up please." He said. I frowned. What? Slowly, my eyes started to peel open as I came out of my dream. Alex stood right above my perspiring body as I trembled and panted in his arms. 

"Christie, what happened to you? You had me worried sick." He said as he embraced me tightly. I looked back and decided that it was time. I had been having the same dream for a week straight. I had to tell him.

"Alex, I have been having theses dreams. Nightmares." I started, he sat patiently on the bed and waited for me to continue. "The day my parents were going to attack your pack, I was still locked in my room. But then, this older man, he appeared inside my bedroom out of nowhere and he let me out. I have no ieda who he was or what his name was. All I remember is what he looked like. A week ago, the man started coming in my dreams. He's chasing me. It's like I can feel his gaze on me twenty four seven. There is just this thing about him that seems so familiar." I explained. He took my small hands in his big ones and kissed my knuckles. 

"Why didn't you tell me a week ago when all of this started?" My glance fell from his eyes to my hands intertwined with mine on his lap. 

"I didn't want you to worry." I answered honestly. 

"Christie, you are my life now. Your worries are my worries, so whatever bothers you, you have to tell me. Got it?" I nodded and a small smile appeared on my face as my heart melted as his words. I leaned forward and gently pressed my lips against his, capturing his mouth with mine. Our kiss slowly turned into a make out session when we were suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door. Our mouths parted instantly, and the door swung open, revealing a very impatient Juliette by the door.Instantly, she ran inside and pulled me off the bed, dragging me out.

"Sorry Alex, I need to borrow her very urgently, okay thanks bye." She screamed as she drew me away from my mate. Running into her bedroom, she immediatley shut the door and faced me.

 "I think I'm pregnant" she blurted. For a minute, silence surrounded us as none of us spoke.

"What?!" I screamed after that. "Juliette, you havn't even been here for two months. And you're nineteen!" I yelled. 

"I know, I know. But I don't even know for sure yet. It's just, recently I have been puking in the morning and I think it's morning sickness." 

"Julie, you need pregnancy test. NOW." I said, holding her shoulders, making her look right into my eyes as I warned her. She nodded and pulled me out of the bedroom as we walked down the stairs. As we descended, we were greeted by Alex's Parents sitting on the kitched counter talking about something to do with the pack. And just a minute later, Dylan and Alex trickled after us. 

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