Chapter 22

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Hey guyss! As promised here it is!! All the answers to your questionssssss!! WARNING: I wrote this in a bit of a rush so I apologize in advance for the mistakes. I will come back and edit everything later. Anyways keep reading!

Christie Montiero's POV

"Christie... I am your father"

Seconds. Minutes. Hours passed before my brain started functioning again. It couldn't be true. He wasn't my father. Henry montiero is my father. He's just messing with me.

"You're lying" I stated hesitantly, doubting my words as they came out.

"I'm not. And I can prove it to you"

"Then prove it"

"Give me your hand" he stretched his hand out for me to take it. I stared at his hand before I confidently placed my hand in his with my sudden bravado. Instnaly images started popping into my head, but not my own.

My mother was walking down a farm before she came acaross a fence. She stood with her hands on the barrier feeling the cold breeze hit her face as she closed her eyes. Her hands moved up in the air as she began moving them in small circles before her snapped open and a rainbow started forming. She tried her best to make the rainbow brighter until she gave up. Just then the rainbow shone like a bright star illuminating a dark night. She turned around to face a boy - a younger version of Malcomb - behind her, controlling the rainbow. They smiled at each other before the boy walked over to my mother and strerched his hand out.

"I'm Malcomb Clarke from the Night Coven." He said. My mother looked shocked at his words, but composed herself quickly before placing her hand in his.

"Julia Fisher from the Day Coven." She replied. They both stared at each other, smiling before the scene changed.

My mother was now older as she ran in the woods on a dark, winter's night. It wasn't long before she bumped into a hard wall. As she looked up, Malcomb's eyes connected with hers and instantly, his lips were on hers. She deepened the kiss as if her life depended on it and soon enough they parted to catch a breath.

"We have to leave now before our covens find out and separate us." My mother nodded before the scene changed again. This time my mother looked like she was in her late thirties, around the time she had me. She was pregnant and standing in front of a grown up Malcomb. "It's your baby Malcomb. You know what this means. She is going to be the strongest." Malcomb agreed before he approached her and engulfed her in a warm hug.

"I'm so sorry. I will do anything I can to protect her." My mother nodded silently, wiping away her tears, her hand on my stomach, when the scene changed again.

This time, I was the image. It was a smaller version of me, playing in the woods back in our old house. I was catching butterflies when I noticed a figure deep in the woods. Young me didn't notice and continued playing as Malcomb watched over me with a sad smile on his face.

Soon enough, the visions ended and my hand was released from Malcomb's grip.

"Start explaining" were my words to him before he nodded and took a deep breath before starting.

"Let me start by saying, your mother and I are witches. Your mother belonged to the Day Coven whilst I belonged to the Night Coven. As you can imagine our covens were enemies. When I met your mother and she told me what Coven she was from, I didn't mind. I liked her since the minute I met her. We grew up together. We would sneak out in the woods everyday to see eachother. When I was fifteen, your mother and I started dating, and soon we felll in love. Our Covens were complete rivals, which meant that we could never be together, so we ran away and decided to start a life together without magic. One day, we came across an old town where we met this old lady, she helped us. But she also told us about a curse that was put onto our Covens. A long time ago, when our Covens were in battle, a strong and powerful witch had put a curse that no one from both our Covens could fall in love, and if we did, our child would be the strongest witch in history and after that the parents would die if remained together. A few weeks later, your mother thought she was pregnant, so we broke apart since we would die if we were together. Later on your mother had a misscarriage. In her sorrow, she accidentally slept with Henry and later found out that she was pregannt with his child. He was extremly happy and proposed to her. She was still in love with me but we both decided that we were better off apart. Later after your mom had already had Alice, she bumped into me, one thing lead to another and a few weeks later, she was pregnant again, with my baby. You. Knowing that if we would be together after your birth we would die, we broke it off again. That time for good. We locked away your powers when you were younger, deciding that you needed to live a normal life. Only, I didn't think Lekros was going to come after you."

"So, I am the strongest witch in history?" asked in utter disbelief.

"Yes, you are. The strongest one in history"

"Does my fath- Henry know about this?"

"Yes he does, and he has come to accept it." My heart ached at the thought of him and what he would have felt. After everything that happened, he still accepted me, treated me like his own daughter. But Malcomb was my father.

"Where is my magic?" I wuestioned out of curiosity.

"We had a with lock it up when you were younger, but you can access it whenever you want." Trying to process everything I was just told I sat on the bare grass, my head in my hands. Not a minute later, I felt Malcomb tear my head away from my hands and look straight into my eyes. "Look, I know it's a lot to process, but I have to send you back before they start panicking. Alex is worried about you." I nodded silently, thinking about Alex. Before I knew it, Malcomb faded away and I was in front Alex's house watching warewolfs running around the area trying to follow a scent. In the centre, Alex had his head in his hands, he looked like he was about to break down. Sensing my presence, he was in front of me in less than a second, embracing me in a big hug.

"Christie what happened to you? One minute you were there and the next you were gone." I looked back up at him, true worry in his eyes. I cupped his face and gave him a small smile before composing an asnwer.

"I need to tell you something."

"Anything." My hands started to tremble as I thought of the possible outcomes of his reaction. He was the most important thing in my life, and I didn't want to lose him, but I had to tell him.

"I'm a witch"

There you goooo!!! Comment your thoughts below! Did you see that coming?

Picture of Alex to the side>>>





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