Chapter 2

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Christie Montiero's POV

"Guys!" The room suddenly turned silent as everyone stared at me, shocked. I wasn't really the screaming type of girl. "Geez even five year olds listen more than that" I complained. Their faces still stunned by my sudden reaction. "Look, we all agreed we didn't want to turn dancing into our career, and we won't. Nevertheless, this is a one time thing and he is willing to pay us good money which we can use to invest in a new studio since he took ours. It's like his payback, ok?" My idea seemed to have left my crew with their mouths open. Why? I don't know. I felt a vibe of negative energy immediatley flush the room as their gazes got more intense.

"Your taking his side?" one of my friends Brooke, abruptly said. I didn't understand the big deal. All we had to do was perform in front of public, which we have been doing since the age of sixteen, only this time we will get paid, for good reason.

"What the hell Brooke? I don't take sides, you guys know that. Besides, what is the big deal, we have been performing in front of people since the age of sixteen, this is just another time performing, only this time we will be payed. ONCE." I stress on the word so they know it's just a one time thing. We all had agreed to keep dancing as a hobby instead of a career so that we wouldn't lose our love and passion for it. This wasn't any different. It was just a one time thing. And we could really use the money. I didn't see anything wrong in it. Why did they?

"The problem is" Brooke said elevating from her seat "that this time we are performing in front of a different crowd. A more posh crowd. We will be very badly judged Christie. We cannot do it." Judged? What does she mean by that? My mind instantly exploded at her sudden judgement.

"Judged? Brooke we have been performing on the streets all these years, there could have been so many people judging us back then, you just didn't know. This isn't any different. If they don't like our dance then bad for Paddington, not us!" Before she could say anything that would bring me to my last nerve I interrupted her "Look, why don't we all just go home and calm down. I'll set up a meeting with Paddington tomorrow afternoon. I think we should talk to him to get things clear alright?" Everyone bobbled their head up and down in agreement and a bit of fear and ran off. They had never seen this side of me, no one had. Not even my family. Not even me. Everyone was immediatley gone, except Brooke.

"Christie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to jump on you like that. I'm just... confused." I understood her. Why was I taking Alex's side over my friend's anyways? I barely knew the guy.

"It's alright Brooke. I know you're confused, but you have to look outside the box for once. We all do." She didn't say a word. She just nodded her head and left, leaving me alone in my house. My family had gone hunting and my shift at the diner didn't start until the night. I picked up my phone trembling as I dialed Alex's number to set up a meeting. A series of questions running through my mind as I tapped the numbers on my phone. What if he thinks I'm annoying? Should I call? Damn I shouldn't have called! He is going to think I am desperate. Oh no! I started regretting my choice and after the first ring was going to end the call. But it was too late.

"Hello?" My hands started shaking as I heard his voice and struggled to speak. I tried looking for the right words, but my mind seemed to have stopped working. Why did you call? Idiot me!

"Um... Hi. Don't know if you remember me but I am Christie Montiero. You came to my house last night with the offer?" I stammered. He probably forgot me, maybe it was best if I hadn't called to make a fool out of myself. I thought, still mentally beating myself up.

"Ofcorse, how could I forget? Tell me, have you got an answer yet?" He asked. So he did remember me. Well that's a first. Back to the point. An asnswer. Not quite.

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