Chapter 15

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Christie Montiero's POV

As the time clicked on the antique clock ticking around the atmosphere of the creaking factory, I watched as Juliette struggled to stay awake. 

"Just sleep already Jules." she jumped in alarm as my voice echoed through the room. 

"What? No, I'm up, what's going on? Is he here? Did something happen? What-"

"Geez Jules calm down. Nothing happened, I just said go to sleep, seeing as you can't keep your eyes open for more than a minute." Just then, the door blasted open and the cold air from outside flew in, sending shivers through my body. There he was again, Lekros, with  a stupid smirk drawn across his face that I so desperatley craved to punch.

"Ladies! How are my darling prisoners doing today?" he asked as he clapped his hands in conclusion.

"Fan-fucking-tatic. That's how we are doing you son of a bitch. Now will you please tell us what the hell you want from us?" I yelled, losing my patience with every second that passed. I missed Alex. Oh how badly I wanted to be cuddled in his arms right now.  But I knew he would come. Come to save me.

"Now that is not very nice way to speak to you master is it? As for your question; what I want Miss Motiero is power, and power I shall get. You se-" he was suddenly cut off by Joe in the background.

"Boss! The Lunaris have crossed the midnight's border. They are here sir. We have to go" I noticed Lekros' face harden with rage as he punched the closest wall out of frustration, creating a dent on the wall as he did so. Hope rised at the back of my mind again and I felt excited in the sudden moment. 

"Get the mout of here! NOW!" he screamed at a scared looking Dan and Joe. Hurrying to us, Dan picked me up as Joe picked Juliette, still cuffed in chains. I fought and struggled in Dan's arms, but it was absolutley pointless.

"Let me go you bastard!" 

"Stop moving you bitch." he replied, throwing me over his shoulder. My attempts to get a him to losen his grip was a complete fail as he was rigid and held on to me tight. Before we could make it halfway through to what looked like an old jeep, I heard a loud growl, emerge from behind me. I didn't need to look back to know who it was; Alex. In an instant I fell my body shatter to the ground, and Dan was out of sight. I was on the dirty floor, with hands and feet still tied up as I saw my warewolf boyfriend return to his human form. As soon as he did, I closed my eyes, knowing that he would be stark naked. Don't get me wrong, I loved watching his tempting body, this just wasn't the right moment. The sound of  bones cracking filled my ears and not a minute later, I felt Alex's soft hands rip mine from my eyes.

"Christie? Are you alright? Did they hurt you? That son of a bitch I wil-" I instantly cut him off by connecting my lips to his, needing to feel him, sparks releasing immediatley after I did. He didn't hesitate to respond, holding the back of my head with one hand and my wasit with the other one, pulling me even closer to him, if that was even possible. It hasn't been long but just with the fireworks I get with his touch I knew I was falling for Alex. Hard. We stood holding eachother for a while before I remembered:

"Shit! Juliettte!" I pulled away from Alex, feeling empty instantly after I did so, but I was more worried about Julie in that moment. Alex gave me a confusing look, but I ran out of his embrace to look for her. It had only been a few days, but she was the closest friend I ever had. I heard Alex run behind me, callilng my name, but I continued running. Just when I thought I lost her, I caught sight of her... cuddled in the arms of Dylan? What the?

"She's his mate." Alex said from behind me. I looked back at the figure of my new friend with Dylan. They looked so cute together. As if reading my thoughts, Alex snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. I rested my head on his chest wondering how I got so lucky to deserve a man like him. Suddenly, the thought of my parents crossed my mind.

"Alex, my parents-"

"Don't worry, I told them you were staying at mine for a couple nights. Besides, they have gone hunting to south  Carolina." I exhaled a breath I had been holding, feeling relieved. I didn't want to risk the exposture of the race of the person that most mattered to me in the world to my parents.  

"Let's go home." he said as I nodded and started walking towards the car. As we approached Dylan and Juliette, I saw their eyes shift to us. Alex gave his men commands to look for Dan, Joe and Lekros before we arrived the two new lovers.

"Dylan, I see you met my best friend." I commented.  He smiled, pulling Jules close to him as he looked at her with pride. The image made my heart melt, probably thinking that was the way Alex looked at me. He replied and we all burst out into a fit of laughter, but I was too busy in my own cloud, thinking about the events that just took place. 

Lekros took me for a reason, and I needed to find out what it is before he got to me again. This time, I would be ready. 


Hey guys! I know this chapter isn't that long and good, but it's not long before we reach the best part of the book so please bare with me for a while:) Any thoughts as to what Lekros wants from Christie??





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