Chapter 10

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Christie Montiero's POV

Opening my eyes, I realised I was trapped in utter darkness. Where the hell am I? I felt my hands and legs tied back behind me. I struggled and fiddled with the chains but it was pointless. The chains were strongly locked up. The door suddenly popped open and a tall, young aged man with dark brown hair and light green eyes emerged into the room, facing me. I refused to look at him as my nerves tensed up at his simple appearance. 

"What do you want from me?" I questioned, still facing the ground, trying my best to hide the fear in my voice. I felt as he pulled out a chair and sat right in front of me. After a long sigh, I heard his deep voice.

"Well, you will just have to wait and find out darling. Boss will be here soon. You can ask him yourself when he arrives." I could hear him smirk as I still avoided eye contact with my kidnapper. I could abruptly feel his breath on the tip of my ear. "He is going to love you. He loves beautiful women." This time, I looked him straight in the eyes and glared at him. 

"Touch me and you will die." I threatened. By this time I had swallowed my fear down and all I felt was pure anger. 

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"Oh darling you say that now, soon you will be screaming my name as I enter you." he said touching my hair. I yanked it off and returned to looking at the floor completley ignoring his disturbing remark. Questions started rising in my mind as my kidnapper exited the room once again. Do my parents know I'm missing? Does Alex know I'm missing? Will he come to rescue me? I hope so. The only thing I could do now, was wait. 

Alex Paddington's POV

"Charles, get the trackers right now. I got this scarf from her house, start the tracking. Her parents are gone, so they are probably looking for her already." I yelled walking through my front door. I was more than furious and was dying to get my hands on those fucking rogues who dared to touch my mate. I was going to rip each and every one to shreds. No one messes with my mate. As I headed out my house with my pack warriors and trackers, we shifted into our wolf form and immediatley sped into the woods. I still had no idea what my mate was if she was not human, but I was hoping whatever it was, it could benefit her strength.

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 I followed my trackers rapidly and after what felt like eternity was by the end of the woods. Approaching a small cave at the end of the woods, I could immediatley smell her scent again. I found her. And I was going to make those bastards pay. I was going to fucking kill them. My speed increased as I dashed into the cave, thirsty for blood. 'Kill each and everyone inside except my mate.' I warned everybody through the mind link. This was it. My mate was about to see my wolf form. She was going to freak out, but right now I was more concerned about her safety than any of this shit. 

Christie Montiero's POV

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About a half an hour later, my kidnapper returned with another middle aged man with dark brown hair and light bown eyes. He was muscular and big. He followed kidnapper one until they reached me. Once again, I faced the floor and decided to ignore their horrible faces. From the corner of my eye I visualised as the middle aged man stood right in front of me, his arms crossed on his chest, simply staring at me like a pedophile. 

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