Chapter 8

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Christie Montiero's POV 

The dinner with Alex's family turned out to be like I had never expected. The idea of them being warewolfs totally faded from my mind the whole time I was there. They were nothing but nice to me. They treated me like family and shared a lot of their family history with me (except the them being warewolfs bit of course). They were completley normal! Totally innocent, runnning their own kind. I didn't have much knowledge about warewolfs but I could tell they were the leaders of their pack.

The drive back home was silent. I recieved a couple of glances from Alex every now and then, but I could tell something was off. Something was bothering him. What was it? I couldn't tell. As I exited the vehicle my mind roamed around the sevral posibilities of his distraction. Had it got something to do with me? Had it got something to do with what he and his father talked about when they went to the office? I couldn't do anything but wonder. I didn't dare to ask him. The thougts flodded my mind as I suddenly came to realise that this was probably the last  time I saw him. Ever. For real. Upon arriving my door, a hurricane of silence pentrated us. We were both left without words. I could tell something was still bothering him, but maybe this being the last time I saw him wasn't bad news. Maybe it was for the best. I mean afterall, I am a hunter. My family descends from a long line of hunters. And wether I liked it or not, I was going to be forced to be one  permenantly too. Maybe leaving him was the best choice. Even though at the very bottom of me it hurt. It hurt like spikes pinching me. I knew it was the best choice. For both of us. We were an impossible match. And he would probaably find his mate anytime soon anyways. I couldn't be with him. I wasn't destined to be with him. Only a mate could do that. And I was not his mate. I was nothing to him. Not anymore. 

"Thank you so much for dinner Alex. Your family was lovley." I said deciding to break the silence. The sooner this is done, the better. I just wanted to get it over with. I just wanted to get over the pain of losing someone I never had. Someone I never belonged with. "Goodnight Alex." And with that,  I unlocked my door. 

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"Goodnight Christie." And as much as I hated it, it sounded like a final goodbye. A final meeting. It felt like daggers through my heart. Without another word or another glance back. He left my veranda, and before I knew it, he dissapeared into the darkness of night. He was gone. I would never see Alex Paddington again. Ever. Or so I thought.

Sleep never came that night. As I thought about the first time I met Alex. The first time we touched. The sparks. The way he told me he loved  my dancing when he took me to lunch. When he made me dance my solo. When he kissed my cheek. By the end of the night I was soaked with the unstoppable tears slipping through my eyes. I had no doubt fallen in love with Alex Paddington. Someone who was nothing but a stranger to me a couple of weeks ago. And now, despite knowing he was a warewolf, something my kind hunted, I wanted him, I wanted him bad. But I couldn't have him. I was a hunter for christ sake! If my parents ever found out, they would kill me. Or rather, kill him. No. I wouldn't let that happen. I wouldn't let anyone do any harm to him. I would stay away from him if that's what it took. It was the only way. 

The sun invaded my curtains hitting my eyes causing me to wake up after my short, one hour sleep. I wanted to sleep in the whole day. I was broken, but I still had a job at the diner to attend. That is if I wanted a life apart from my parents. Which I really badly wanted. No doubt. I needed to move on. From everything. From him.  I took a quick shower before pulling on a comfy pair of black leggings and a big hoodie that belonged to my brother. Not anymore. I pulled my light brown locks into a messy bun and pulled on a warm pair of uggs. As I was about to leave my room I heard a knock on the front door. Who could it be? Walking down the stairs, I felt a sudden pull in the pit of my stomach. Something wasn't right. I had no idea what it was but I didn't have a good feeling about this. In the blink of an eye, my door was open and before I knew it, I was pinned to wall next to the entrance with an angry looking Alex towering me. At first it came to my shock. Then it was realisation. My asumptions were true. Alex did like me. He did want me. But it wouldn't be right. Not for me. Not for him. Not for his future mate. Pain lay at the bottom of all ends and possibilities, blocking us from happiness. I wanted him so bad, yet I couldn't have him. I couldn't change destiny, and as hard as it was, I had to accept it. 

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"What are you doing here? " I asked pushing my way through him, running up to my bedroom. The only thing I could think of is run. Hide from him. It wasn't the best option, but it was the only one I could think of at the moment. I heard his footsteps following me upstairs as he pushed through the door and grabed my wrist before I could get any further. 

"I need to talk to you." No. No. No. Please don't do this to me. I can't face him right now. Not after I just made my mind up about him. God no. Please don't do this to me.

 "You have to stay away from me. It's for your own good." I said taking a step backwards before gently hitting the white wall in my grand bedroom. I knew what I felt for him, but I knew I couldn't make it work. It's for his own good, unless he wants to be taken down by the best hunters in all of Chicago and hurt his future mate. He walked closer to me until there was barely any space between us, the sound of  our synchronised  heartbeats covering up the utter silence conquering us. 

"I will decide what's good for me and what's not Ms Montiero. Is that clear?" He said as his breath fanned my face. Just as the words escaped his mouth he was suddenly so close to me that I could smell the Abercrombie perfume hiding his wolf scent underneath, and the essence of his aftershave surrounding his handsome face.  My eyes twitched in nervousness as I hesistated to answer.

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"Crystal." I mumbled " Now if you will excuse me, I have work to do." I said gulping the big lump that formed at the back of my throat, managing to escape his arms that were circulating my small, thin figure on the wall. Before I could get even three inches away from him I felt his rough, big hand pull my own, dragging me back to the same position I was in a second ago, still pressed against my body. 

"I'm sure work can wait Ms Montiero. Our conversation is not over yet." I couldn't take it anymore as his strong hands held mine against the wall behind me. He uttered his words slowly in my ear. I was eager to have  him, right then, but my mind was in complete denial. No. No. You can't. You know what will happen if you do. You cannot risk it.

"Well it is now." I managed to say, stepping out of his stiff embrace desperate for him to leave as my level of patience decreaced and my heart rate increaced. However, I was once again pulled back, this time hitting my back against the wall roughly as he glared at me, clearly frustrated. 

"This conversation is not over until I say it is." his voice was more stern and demanding. The fear in my eyes was unhidable. Sure I was a hunter, but never did I ever meet a more intimidating warewolf  like him. I saw the signs of his wolf wanting to take over, but I didn't let it happen.  

"What do you want from me Alex?" I resopond, deciding to give him a chance at telling me exactly what he wants, even though I knew what his answer was going to be. He leaned in closer but knowing the consequence one little mistake can create I put my head down, facing my purple carpeted floor, only to have him bring my chin up with his fingers whilst he looked straight into my coffee- brown eyes. 

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"You know what I want Christie" he starts "I want you. And you are mine." His words hit me as hard as a rock knowing I couldn't give him what he desired, what I desired. Our breaths mixed as I struggled for an answer. But I didn't have to wait long before he responded to his own question with an action. A very wrong action ...


Hey guys! I know this chapter isn't that long but I promise next chapter will be longer! Anyways, I wanted to ask you guys if you wanted me to write any different POV's?? Any feedback? Does anybody want me to make a trailer for this book? If I get more than five people saying yes for the trailer I will make it, so comment below!! As always, thanks for reading!! See ya in 5!





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