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Christie Montiero's POV

"Come on baby, push!" Alex yelled from beside me. I pushed yet again, letting a loud scream escape my lips as pain spread through my body. My face was completely tear stained and I was sweating in every part of my body. I squeezed Alex's hand tighter as I pushed one last time before the sound of a crying baby erupted the room. I looked up to the see the doctor lift up his arms, our baby boy crying and flailing in them. This time I cried harder, but of happiness. Alex and I looked at each other, huge smiles plastered on our faces.

"Congratulations on your baby boy Alpha" The pack doctor said, placing our baby - who was now clean and wrapped in a towel - in my arms. He was so tiny, and he looked so much like Alex.

"He has my eyes" Alex commented, looking at our baby in adoration and love.

"I know" I smiled.

"Do you have a name for the baby yet?" I looked at Alex and smiled, knowing the name we had chosen.

"Thomas" I said. Alex feathered a small kiss at the top of my head and then at the top of Thomas' little head.

"I love you so much" He whispered to me. My smile increased and my hormones caused tears to form in my eyes again.

"I love you so much too" he leaned down and a placed another kiss on my lips, that I happily returned.


"Are you ready?" I asked a nervous Alex beside me. He nodded grabbing my hand and taking me outside, where the pack was waiting for our appearance. Our now 22 year old son was standing right behind us next to our 17 year old daughter, Claire, as my husband and the pack's Alpha looked upon their leader and Luna.

"Welcome everyone" he started, his voice erupting through the grand hall. " I have put together this meeting to finally take a step down from my Alpha position. I would now like to present you to your new Alpha, my son and this pack's next leader, Alpha Thomas Paddington" Instantly, claps were ringing around the hall as my son stepped up and switched places with his father. Alex walked back to me and we looked at each other with pride. Thomas was our son, and he was going to be a great leader.

"Thank you everyone. I would just like to say that I promise this pack that I will not fail you as a leader. I will put this pack before me and I will protect you all till my last breath. I will make this pack stronger and I will make it reach the top" Another round of claps went through the room as Thomas stepped down and the feast began.

"I'm so proud of you" I commented, embracing my son in a hug.

"Thanks mom"

"Well done son" Alex said from beside, patting Thomas on his back.

"Good job brother!" Claire exclaimed, hugging her protective brother from behind.

"Thanks squirt" he said, making her pout.


After a long night, me and Alex returned to our room as former Alpha and Luna. I collapsed onto the bed, an exasperated sigh escaping my lips.

"I can't believe we finally did it. We have two amazing kids, and one of them just became Alpha"

"I've got you to thank for that" He said, plopping down beside me. I turned to face him and we stared into each others eyes, nothing else mattering.

"I love you" I said, it being the only words I have to repeat for him. Because there was nothing else. I loved him more than my own life. I loved him more than anything in the world. And he did too.

"I love you too" He said, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on my lips.

No matter how many centuries would pas, we would always be in love. I was his and he was mine in every way possible, and not even the mood goddess could separate us now. My life was finally complete.

I had Alex, Alex had me. We had a perfect daughter and a perfect son. Claire had a perfect family and Thomas had a perfect pack. And the pack finally had their new Alpha.



I know it's not the best ending in the world, but I just thought it should end like that. I can't believe this book is finally over!! I want to thank all my readers for all their support, I couldn't have done it without your motivation so THANK YOU!!!! Since I haven't received any sequel requests, I will not be making one. I will be slowly editing the book and I will be updating my other books as regularly as I can so please check it out! Thank you so much once again!

Have a nice life people!

Picture of Alpha Thomas to the side--->

And a special song to say goodbye--->





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