Chapter 5

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Alex Paddington's POV

"She is my mate father, I am sure of it. And I'm not going to let her go. So wether I have to risk revealing our kind to a human or not, I will do it." I said confidently as my father, former Alpha, looked at me feeling not so satisfied. I felt his anger rise and his wolf come to the surface. Well this wasn't exactly how I expected it to be. Whilst my mother ran around the house skipping happily I had found my mate, my father was more concern and pretty much convinced she wasn't my mate since she was human and no warewolf had ever had a human mate in their life before. Yet I stood in my large, white living room confronting my father. I knew for sure, 100% that Christie was my mate, and nothing was going to change my mind. I was determined to telling her the truth, then marking her and mating with her. Obviousley when she was ready. I looked at my father straight in the eye, not caring how furious that made him. I was going to stand here all day until my father agreed to even meeting my mate, just to make sure. I was going to convince him, even if it took all year.

"Son, I know you are very attracted to this girl, but it is simply not possible that she is your mate, she is human. And it is impossible for a human being to be a supernatural living's mate. Especially a warewolf's. You need to forget her son, and start looking inside the pack, I'm sure you will find your real mate anytime soon." he said putting a hand on my shoulder. His words made my blood boil bringing my wolf at the tip of me, nearly exploding. How dare he say that? She was my mate, and I would never ever forget about her. I know I felt the sparks, and so did she. There is no other woman for me. She was my only woman. My mate.

"Don't touch me." I said kicking off my fathers hand from my shoulder angrily. "How dare you say that about my mate? I know what happened father, I KNOW she is my mate and I will tell her about us, mark her and make her mine wether you like it or not. Just because it has never happened in the past doesn't mean it's impossible." I said strictly. My father was a very furious man when it came to people disobeying his orders, especially me. But this time his expression suprised me as he stood in his place, simply sighing. Completley relaxed.

"Alright, go ahead. Tell her. But what will happen after that Alex? She will freak out. Humans don't believe in the supernatural. You will only push her away from you. She will hate you after she sees the real you. So go ahead. Really." He said sarcastically folding his arms as he continued to look at me with the same expression. My fury had increased by another dozen percent as I looked at him with the most disgusted expresssion, even though he was just my father. He was my father, how could he not believe me? His own son? His words stung me like a blade through my heart and I couldn't help but slightly believe him, whilst my wolf was in complete denial.

"She won't, I know she won't. Even though she's human. We are meant to be." I said regaining my confidence towards my father. I straightened my back and continued. "I will prove it to you." That was the last thing I said before walking out of my fathers view only to be stopped by my sister and her mate, my beta, on the way out of the house.

"Alex, what's wrong?" my sister's voice was filled with concern as my beta stood behind her, comforting her. She was three months preganant and I didn't want to worry her.

"Nothing Han, I'm alright." I was about to walk out when I felt my sister pull be back. She sure was strong for a pregnant lady.

"Oh no, you're not going anywhere without telling us what happened." She said with a warning look on her face. When my sister wanted something, she got it, and I knew she wouldn't let me go without answers, so why not let it out? However my younger brother beat me to it.

"Brother just got a shouting from Dad about having a human mate. He doesn't believe poor little brother. But I must say brother, that was really brave of you. You've been Alpha for three days and you're already fighting the former Alpha." he said teasing me. All our heads popped around the minute his voice echoed around the room.

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