Chapter 14

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Alex Paddington's POV

Pacing around the office I controlled the urge on letting my wolf take over. It's been three days since she went missing and not one of my trackers can find her. Why did I let her go? My wolf howled in pain as the minutes passed on the clock. I couldn't tolerate the thought of losing her again. Not when I just got her. Not when she just accepted me. I jumped when I was pulled out of my deep guilt as I heard a knock on the door of my office. 

"Come in" I mumbled. The door opened as my brother crept in a worried face. "What Dylan?" I snapped still continuing to walk around the room, being fully consumed by worry. I visualised as my brother shut the door behind him, striding towards me. 

"Look Alex, I know you are worried but you have to calm down man." he said. Unbelievable! My mate was taken and he wants me to calm down?

"Calm down?! Calm down?! My mate has been kidnapped Dylan for gods sake! I won't calm down until she is back safe with me and I will have the blood of those bloody bastards on my hand." I yelled. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I banged the table with all my strength, letting all my frustration out as I created a dent on the corner of the table. 

"Alex, I know that you won't rest until she's back. But in order to get her back you need to thinks straight, and being this angry will only make you do reckless things, things that you will regret later. So wether you like it or not, think about every step you take." He said approaching me. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. I needed Christie back. And I have to think straight in order to do so. 

The door was suddenly blasted open as my third in command, Aiden walked in gasping for air as he did so. 

"Alpha, we found her! The trackers found her." he notified. Before he could breath another word, I was out of my house following the path of my trackers. I instantly changed into my brown wolf, letting all my frustration out as I pierced the ground with my paws, feeling the earth beneath me as I dashed through the woods, the wind kissing my fur in the process. 

I ran for what seemed like ages before I caught up with my trackers. 'Where is she?' I questioned them through the mind link. They hesitated before one of my trackers pointed towards a rusted building a couple hundred miles ahead. 'Lets go! What are you waiting for?' I demanded. 'Alpha, if we take five steps from here we trasspass the Eclipse Moon's territory.' He warned me. Damned! I'm so close, so close to having her back with me! 'Change' I ordered them. I walked behind a tree and changed back into my human form. As I walked back with a pair of shorts on I thought of the following orders I had to give out. 

'Dylan, I need your help' I linked my brother as a sudden plan popped up into my head. 

'What's up brother?' 

'Call the Eclipse Moon pack's Alpha and ask for allowance to enter their territory for some time.'

'You got it boss'

Two minutes later, he returned with an answer. 'Go ahead bro all clear.' I nodded at my trackers and the rest of the fighters surrounding us, giving them the signal. I'll get you back Christie, I promise. 

Christie Montiero's POV

As the blindfold was taken off of my eyes, I blinked a few times before settling in the dark, gloomy and eerie atmosphere. The palce was different from where I was last time. This looked more like some sort of factory. I was once again tied back with chains on my legs and arms. I looked around for any sign of my kidnappers, but I saw absolutley no one. Suddenly, the door was splashed open, and in walked Dan, carrying the figure of a petite, unconcious female in his arms. He threw her on the ground next to me before settling on a chair in front of me. 

"What the hell? What do you want from me?" I yelled. He then laughed, making me boil on the inside as my jaw clenched and my fists rounded up, rubbing roughly against the metal chains. 

"Oh darling, who wouldn't want you. I'm surprised people haven't kidnapped you for your powers before. But Lekros will. He will drain you and he will become the most powerful man on earth. As for what happens afer that, you can find out from him yourself after he arrives shortly." Just then, the door opened again, revealing a very nervous looking Joe. 

"He's here." and with that, Dan walked out of the room, locking it behind as he followed his father, leaving me in a bulk of confusion. What powers? Who is Lekros? Who is here? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? 

My focus immediatley went down to the small female on the ground as she started gaining conciousness.  As soon as she connected eyes with me, I knew she was a warewolf. Maybe she was from Alex's pack. Which reminded me, is he looking for me? Where the hell am I? As if reading my thoughts, she responded.

"We are on the Eclipse Moon's territory. I'm Juliette Coleman." she said. sticking her arms out, only to realise that I was chained, so she pulled it back. " I would untie you, but my skin will burn if I touched the silver." she replied, shrugging. I chuckled at her innocence and introduced myself.

"That's ok don't worry. I'm Christie Montiero by the way. So what are you in here for?" I questioned. Her smile slightly dropped at that, but she answered anyways.

"I'm a rogue. I ran away from my pack after they abused me for three years. When I crossed this territory, I asked the Eclipse Moon pack's Alpha if I could join them. They said in order to join I had to pass the strength test. I was running in the woods as a part of my test when I was taken by Lekros. They tortured me here for three weeks. Drained me so I can't communicate with my wolf, and they still havn't told me why." Instantly, I felt bad for her. I wanted to hug her, but as I tried to move, I realised I was still in the stupid chains. 

"I'm sorry. Hey, now that we are both here, we willl find a way out Juliette." 

Suddenly, the door was bursted open, and an older man I had never seen before with short black hair and dull blue eyes walked in. He had wrinkles and a smirk on his face as he approached me and Juliette. With every step he took forward, she scooted backwards. The fear hidden in the poor girl was clear at the top of her head. 

"Well well, it's a pleasure to finally meet you Christie. I must admit, Dan was right, you are a pretty one." he said chuckling, making me look at him in disgust. I looked back to see Dan smirking behind Lekros. 

"Well too bad, you are a hell of an ugly one." I responded, hiding the fear that was consuming me. 

"Well aren't you a rebellious charm." He replied sarcastically. "Dan, keep an eye out for her. I will prepare her tomorrow morning and then get all her power. Make sure no one crosses the Eclipse Moon's territory" he demanded. Before I could lose my chance again, I yelled after him.

"Wait! What powers are you talking about? Who the hell are you and what do you want from me?" but he didn't listen, instead he just walked away, leaving Juliette and I alone in the room. 

There was something I didn't know about myself that I had to figure out. Only question was, what was it?


Heyyyy!! Soo... any guesses what's going on? I would really appreciate it if you guys would actually bother to share any thoughts :(





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