Chapter 19

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Christie Montiero's POV

"Derek?" I stared at him in shock, utterly paralized. My body stopped moving and my mind was completley petrified. How did he even get here? "What- how-when?-"

"I followed him." He replied simply, cutting me off. I realised how Alex scooted next to me immediatley; swinging his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him protectivley. "Look, I didn't come here to steal you or anything, I know you have been having a hard time with your family, I just came to say that you have my support. That's all." He turned around at the end of his sentence and started heading out. His actions only added to my initial shock and the words seem to have escaped my mouth unconciousley.

"Wait!" I called after him, I got out of Alex's escape, hearing a growl instantly, but ignored it and caught up to Derek. "Alex, do you mind if I have a word with Derek. Alone." Something about his words made me think he came for more than he was letting on to. I turned around and pleaded Alex with my eyes. He glared at Derek for a minute before I walked back and placed my hand on his arm, giving him a reassuring look. He finally nodded, and I'm glad he trusted me. I smiled at him as he walked out of the room, leaving me and Derek alone. "Derek, why are you really here?" I asked as the door shut.

He started pacing the room, his hands placed at the back of his head, struggling to come up with words.

"Look, I like you Christie, I really like you. I wanted to be with you. I really do. And I'm not going to lie to you, I came here with the intention of stealing you but... I heard you. I just need to know, is it true? Do you really love him?" As I noticed the sadness in his eyes, my heart broke. Derek was a great guy, and he deserved a perfect girl. If I didn't have Alex, maybe I would have ended up with him. But as long as I live knowing Alex, I'll never want to be with someone else. Alex is the one. He is my one and only.

"Derek, I wasn't lying. I meant it. I love him Derek, I really do. And as long as I live, I will never want to be with anybody else but him. He is my everything. I wish things could have worked out between us, but I know that you will find someone much better than me." Silence invaded us for a few seconds as Derek stared at the floor - his hands placed on his hips - before he looked up and nodded, gulping as his adam's apple bobbled up and down.

"I guess I got my closure." I nodded as he turned around and made his way towards the door. Just before exiting though he turned back around one last time. "Don't worry I won't tell your parents where you are. Goodbye." I smiled at him appreciativley as he rotated the doorknob and dissapeared outside. Not a minute later, Alex returned looking more relaxed than ever. He had a smile drawn across his face as he approached me and scooped me up in his arms, carrying me back to the bed, placing me on it gently.

"Wow, what got into you?" I asked him as he layed on top of me, looking me down with love.

"I love you." And with that, his lips attacked mine in a gentle, but passionate kiss. I allowed him entrance and he explored my mouth with his tongue.

"I love you too." I replied between kisses.

That moment I didn't want anything but him. I wanted to be his forever. His completley. I wanted to complete the mating process with him and I wanted the world to know that we belonged to each other. I moaned into his kiss as he trailed them down to my jawline, collarbone and neck. He sucked my neck lightly, making a moan erupt me again. I could feel his hardness press against me and I couldn't help but feel turned on.

"Mark me." I moaned. Instantly, he stopped and met my gaze.

"Christie, are you-"

"Just do it please. I can't wait any longer Alex. I need you, all of you." I whined. His smile increased as he reconnected his mouth to mine once more.

"Your wish is my command" he said before bringing his mouth down to my neck and sucking on it gently before I felt his sharp fangs reach the surface of my neck.

"Are you sure?" he asked once more.

I nodded my head in approval and just then his fangs sank into my skin as he sucked on it. At first all I felt was pain, but after a short second the pain turned into pleasure and left me craving for more. He sucked my blood carefully as I moaned into the pleasurable feeling. A rush of adrenaline corsed through my veins as he released his fangs and licked the wound, patching it up. Not a second later I felt his lips back on mine making my satisfaction return. I reached up till the hem of his shirt pulling it up slowly, eventually pulling it off his head leaving the view of his bare chest in front of me. I traced my hand down his musculated torso, kissing it in the process. As I did so, his hands arrived the end of my t-shirt and in the blink of an eye it was off, leaving me with my bra.

But something didn't feel right. I wanted to do this, so badly. I wanted him - no needed him - inside me. But something was stopping me. An uneasy feeling reached my insides as I suddenly found myself scooting away from Alex. He seemed to notice as he immediatley became worried.

"Shit. Christie are you ok? I'm sorry I didn't mean to rush things, we can stop-"

"No Alex, it's not that. I want to believe me but something just doesn't feel right. I feel... dizzy." I said, holding my head as it started spinning. The image in front of me was blurry. I could now see two Alex's in front of me, coming towards me and holding me. He was saying something but I couldn't really understand anythinng. My body felt numb and I just wanted to sleep. Sounds were being blocked out and so were images. For some reason I couldn't think. I tried to speak, but no words escaped my mouth, and it wasn't long before I saw darkness near me. And when it did, I gladly let it take over.

Hey guyss! Sorry for the short chapter, but... as you can see I have decided to enter the watty awards so I would really appreciate it if you guys would help me out and vote for my story!! Alsoooo, I will be publishing a new book soon called Choosing Wrong so stay tuned and check it out. Here is the preview:


My words were cut off and I was suddenly backed up into a wall, facing a very angry Logan. He looked me down in fury, making my size shrink even more with the way he intimidates me. I returned my gaze to the floor, trying to focus on anything other than his mesmerising eyes. His breath fanned my face by the closeness of our  bodies and he lifted my face to his with the tip of his finger. 

"Listen here princess. You will do what I tell you to or I will shoot your pretty little face right now."


 Logan Miller is the CEO of Miller insutries. A multinational company recognised by the world. Logan built his company from scratch, and with increasing profits, came an increasing fame and ego. Ruthless and powerful he gets everything he wants in just the flick of his fingers. However, what people don't know about him is that he is also the leader of the biggest criminal organization of the United States of America. 

Emily Dufon moves to NYC after a terrible heartbreak for a new start. Getting a job in Miller industries at the IT department she is utterly content with her new beggining.

But what happens when after a long day she stumbles upon something that can change her life forever? What is the real cost of being in the wrong place at the wrong time? 

Read to find out:)

Hope you guys likeee it!! Seee yaaa!





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