Chapter 28

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Christie Montiero's POV

I felt the sun shine through the thick curtains, penetrating the bedroom. Something felt odd about my stomach, something didn't feel right. I tried to elevate myself from the bed, only to be pulled back down by a hard weight surrounding me. I looked down to see that I was lying on Alex's naked chest and his hands circled around me, holding me down to him. His peaceful face looked so cute as he slept, soft snores escaping his mouth. Not being able to resist it, I leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose. His eyes fluttered open almost immeadiatley connecting his lips to mine, dragging me into a long passionate kiss. But something still felt wrong. My stomach was reacting in ways it shouldn't be. Instantly, I kicked out of Alex's embrace dashing to the toilet where I threw up. I could feel Alex's hands pick my hair, holding it back for me as he drew simple patterns on my back, his soothing words reaching my ears.

After I finished, I rinsed my mouth, avoiding Alex's gaze to save myself the embarrassment.

"Are you okay?" His voice echoed the bathroom. I nodded, plastering a reassuring smile as I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. His hands circled me instantly and he placed a small kiss at the top of my head.

"I think it's just food poisoning" I replied casually.

"We should go to the doc-"

"No. I'm fine. Come on let's get breakfast" He looked at me once more, asking if I was sure before I nodded and we left the room.

Even though I had just puked, something still didn't feel right. Something was up. Thank god Alex left for pack duties half way through breakfast because as soon as he did, I left my fruit loops on the table and dashed back into the room to puke once again. This time, I knew it wasn't food poisoning. And I was too afraid to think what it could be.

Running out of my room, I approached Juliette's room, where I knocked urgently and entered without a second thought. And I regret it until the very last day I live. In front of me, lay Dylan half naked and Juliette the same way, straddling him as they made out oh so passionately, not even noticing my presence.

"Aghhhhhh!" I yelled, covering my eyes. I could hear Julie shriek in front of me before a loud thump covered the room.

"Shit, Julie are you okay?" I heard Dylan say.

"Yeah. Christie, what are you doing here?"

"Look I'm sorry but it was an emergency-"

"Chris you can open your eyes now" she cut off. I opened my eyes to see that both of them were now fully dressed in front of me waiting to continue. Looking straight at Julie I continued.

"Remember how a few weeks ago you came to me with an... issue?" Her eyes instantly widened and she covered her mouth with her hands.

"Dylan I love you but get out!" She yelled, still looking at me. Dylan looked between the two of us before throwing his hands in surrender and walking out. As soon as he did Ms. Bigmouth started yelling

"OH MY GOD! DON'T TELL ME THAT YOU'RE-" right before she could scream the word, I covered her mouth and snapped at her to shut up. She nodded over my hand before I let go and she took a deep breath.

"I just need a test" She nodded before handing me one.

I walked in to the bathroom and followed the instructions. My hands were shaking, itching to see the results. I didn't know what was going to happen. I didn't know what Alex's reaction would be.

"Hey, stop panicking. Remember that speech you gave me? Well the same applies to you, now calm down" I nodded, not sure If I could really get calm. My hands were sweating and my heart was sprinting. I was too young, but then again, age didn't matter in this world did it? The beeper jerked me from my thoughts to reality. I looked at Julie one last time as she nodded reassuringly towards me before I rised and walked towards the test placed on the table.

When I did reach it, I gasped. Somehow, all my worried disappeared. What I wanted was clear. And what I wanted was how it was going to be. I was pregnant. A smile made it's way to my face. Suddenly the whole world was forgotten, Alex, my parents, Julie, everyone was forgotten. It was just me and the baby. And I couldn't be happier. I already loved it to bits and I couldn't wait till it made it's presence in the world. I turned towards Julie and nodded, the happy tears painting my face. She ran towards me and embraced me in a hug.

"I'm so happy for you Chris. Are you happy?" I nodded, wiping the tears from my face.

"So much"

"How are you going to tell him?"

"I don't know. I guess I'll just tell him when he gets back" She nodded and sat me down on her bed as we talked until my mate would come back.

A couple hours later I was back in my room. Somehow, I wasn't scared at all. I didn't know what Alex would think, what the outcome could be of my revelation, but I didn't care. I loved this baby and I would do anything to protect it. Exactly 7 minutes later, the door opened and Alex walked in. His hair was all over the place, signalling his constant running his fingers through it. His faded jeans hung low in his hips and his white t-shirt was crippled. In other words, he looked dead tired.

"Hey, how are you feeling? Are you better?" He asked me instantly, placing himself next to me on the bed. His arms wrapped around my torso and he brought me to face him on the bed.

"I need to tell you something" His eyes contained worry and I could see his posture clenching.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you? I'll kill the-"

"Alex calm down" I cut him off as he looked at me for injuries. "I'm absolutely fine. I'm just... I'm pregnant" I said, bringing his hands and placing them on my stomach; my eyes never leaving his. His eyes widened and a huge - no gigantic - smile was placed on his face and he instantly connected his mouth to mine, kissing me deep and lovingly. His hand started drawing patters on my stomach until we parted for oxygen.

"I love you so so much. I will protect you and this baby until the day I die. I promise you. I love you." My smile extended.

"I love you too"

With that, his lips found mine again and soon after our number of clothes were discarded and we were doing a lot more than just making out.


I know it's not the best and a bit too cliché but what can I say, I'm a sucker for a happy ending.
Anyways only one more chapter before the Epilogue!! Alsoo.... if you would like to help me win in the wattys 2015 please post a link of my book on your twitter on the 24th and the 31st!! And... please check out my books Choosing Wrong, and Cursed. Thank you guys so much for your support!!

Picture of Juliette to the side--->





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