Chapter 18

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Christie Montiero's POV

"Shh I think she's waking up." I heard a familiar voice speak from somewhere around me. My eyes felt heavy as though a tonne of bricks had fallen on them. Slowly, I started peeling them open to view my surroundings. As I did, I noticed Hannah towering my horizontal body. Lifting my head up slightly I realised I was in nothing but a hospital gown on a hospital bed. Hannah was beside me and Charles was behind her.

"What the hell happened?" I panicked rubbing my head when I felt a short pain stifle through me.

"Hey calm down. Your in the hospital. Don't you remember what happened?" she replied pushing me back on the bed, placing a couple more pillows to hold my fragile figure up. Then it cilcked and flashes of memories triggered inside my head. The war. My parents and the warewolfs. My father shooting me in the hip. Instantly, my head flipped down to my hip, examining it for any wounds, but it was absolutley unblemished. As if reading my mind, Hannah cleared my doubt. "The healers cleared your wound. You lost a lot of blood so you have been out for quite a while."

"How long?"

"Two weeks" she replied, making my eyes pop out of place.

"What? Where is Alex? Is he alright? What about the battle? And my pare-"

"Stop" she cut me off "Look, you need to calm down ok? You basically just came out of a freaking coma." She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing "Alex is outside, talking to the doctors he hasn't left your side since the incident. After a week I managed to convince him to atleast go take a shower or eat something. As for the battle, as soon as you were hit, it stopped. I guess your parents realised what they did and called it off." My heart melted at her words. Alex hadn't left my side. He truly cared. Charles stepped in front, putting an arm around Hannah. And as he did, my desperacy to see Alex increased. Charles seemed to notice this.

"I'll go get him for you." He said, pecking Hannah on the cheeck before he made his way outside. She squeezed my hand in assurance as we waited in silence.

Suddenly, the door bursted open, a worried Alex stepping through it. Without any exchange of words, he appeared by my side and connected his mouth to mine; electrifying shocks releasing through my body. He kissed me desperatley, but gently, exploring my mouth with his. One of his hands supported the back of my head as the other held on to my back. Slowly his hand moved from my back to my face, cupping my cheecks as he deepened the kiss. My hands remained around his neck as he did so. When we broke apart, his head rested on mine, as we both panted for air.

"Don't ever do that to me again." He said, between breaths. I chuckled slightly and nodded my head. As we separated, I noticed the black circles under his eyes.

"Have you been sleeping at all?" I questioned, tracing the bottom of his eyes with my thumb. He raised his hand slowly and enveloped my own, kissing my palm.

"Not when my girlfriend is in a coma"


"I know. Let's just go home." I nodded. Just then, I noticed I had no idea where the hell I was.

"Where are we?"

"We are at the pack doctor in my safe house." He said, helping me get off the bed.

"What happened?"

"After you got shot I ran you out of there, when I got out your parents had cleared out the area. I could sense your parents following but I was too angry to let them get to you so I got away and mind linked my pack to get to the safe house." He concluded, shrugging. I nodded getting into my sweat pants and large hoodie.

Walking into the house, I was immediatley attacked by a big hug.

"Oh my god you're okay. Thank goodness. You scared me to death." I heard Juliette say. She let me go and started revising me for wounds.

"Julie, I'm fine." I replied, making her eyes meet mine again.

"Welcome back sis" I heard from behind Juliette. As I shifted my head I saw Dylan approaching me, pulling me into a bear hug, earning a low growl from Alex. He let me go and placed his arms around Juliette prtectivley. The awkward silence was very soon replaced by a loud burst of the doors from which entered Alex's parents. Melissa copied Julie's action and pulled into a warm hug, and so did George.

"Oh darling we were so worried about you. I'm glad you're okay." Said told me, letting go of me.

"You're safe here with us" her husband said from behind.

I thanked both of them as Alex picked me up bridal style and took us back to his room. When we arrived, he layed me on the bed gently and got on the other side next to me.

"Thank you." I whispered as we watched each other in silence.

"For what?"

"For saving me" I didn't even notice as a small tear escaped my eyes. He wiped it off with his finger and slowly placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Christie, I would die for you." He said after he parted lips. My heart ached at the way he cared for me. No one had ever cared for me that much, and I loved him. So without a second thought, the words blurted out of my mouth.

"I love you" I whispered.  His expression suddenly changed to amusement and it made me regret my choice.

"Christie I... I-"

"It's ok Alex, you don't have to say it back." I interrupted, sadness filling my voice. I wanted to burst out crying but I knew it wasn't the right time. What was I thinking? A hole was formed in my heart and I desperatley wanted to fill it. 

"No, Christie. I love you too. I just didn't expect you to saya it first." He chuckled. My heart started beating faster at the words he just said and I didn't make any effort in stopping the happy tears escaping my orbes as I looked at him with love. My head pushed up and connected our lips into a passionate kiss that I didn't want to stop. But before I knew it, a soft knock on the door broke us apart. With one last peck, Alex left the bed frustrated to answer the door. A door a wish would never open to a face I hoped I would never see again. After the door opened, a growl escaped Alex.

"What are you doing here?" he yelled, causing me to get up and walk over to the door. And as soon as I got there, I was petrified. My eyes were wider than ever and my mind was in a knot of confusion. How did he get here? 



Hey! I know it's late and short but I was sort of struggling with a bit of writer's block. But hey, its  up now!! I promise the best part is just coming up, so bear with me. Anyways, chapter thoughts??  Sorry again for the delayyy!! Thanksssssss





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