Chapter three// november 29

440 8 12

//TW anxiety attack//

Tubbos Pov

I woke up at 9:35 and relised that shit today is the day that I go to Y/N's aunts cottage.

I got up and got ready, packed my things for the next 2 months and asked Will where he was at. Wilbur was driving us to the train station and Ash was bringing Wills car back.

He was almost at the house so I sayed by to my mother and father and both of my sisters and got into Wills car.

"AYYYYYY TOBY" He yelled

"AYYY WILLBUR" I yelled back

"Ready to go loverboy" Wilbur sayed with a smirk


"Hold on what happend, I think I missed a few chapters" Ash question

"Toby's catching feelings for Y/N "

"But thats when your wrong Will. I'm not catching feelings" I replied

"OK well if Will says your catching feelings and you don't think you are tell me the story and I will judge if Toby's catching feelings or not" Ash sayed

"OK so  Toby and y/n have been getting close for example when y/n first started streaming toby discovered her and immediately started to talk to her but thats not the point. They would stay up all night talking to each other, they would both wake up at like 10 in the morning sooo happy its unreal not to even mention one night they were up so late that Tubbo made a horrible joke and they where so tired that they couldn't stop laughing. And when ever y/n leaves the vc Toby gets extremely sad and will just black out and not even realize that were talking to him"  Wilbur told Ash

"Well honestly I think that he might be catching feelings but they also might just be good friends"Ash sayed


"He just sayed that you could be or your just REALLY good friends" Wilbur sayed

" I know its just first person that agreed that me and y/n are really good friends" I sayed

"Awww tubbo dont sad" Wilbur sayed

"Thanks Will" I answered

In the mean time of telling Ash the story we got of the exit that we needed to take to get to the train station and got all our stuff out from the car.

We both sayed bye to Ash and then we went inside to meet with y/n and Astrea.

"TUBBO WILBUR " y/n said with excitement

Her and Will hugged and then we both hugged

It felt different then the first time we hugged

Y/N Pov

We got to the train station and I immediately saw Will and Toby i welcomed Both of them with a hug but Toby's felt a bit weird. It was different then all the other times we hugged.

Are hug lasted for about a minute which I thought was way too long for *friends* to hug we both broke apart and went to find our train

Astrea took a picture of Will and Tubbo and posted it on her story

We got on the train and me and tubbo were both sharing my air pods and I played music

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We got on the train and me and tubbo were both sharing my air pods and I played music.

Song playing ///-  Kilby Girl

As soon as I played the song he started to fall asleep, he looked so cute when he was asleep I took a picture of him and laughed a little

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As soon as I played the song he started to fall asleep, he looked so cute when he was asleep I took a picture of him and laughed a little

I open Twitter and start to fall asleep and everything went dark


" I'm so confused why are we moving again " I said

"Mark is going  insane so we need to pack our shit and go " she said


Tubbos pov

I woke up and saw that y/n was sleeping, she looked so adorable when she slept, me and her both fell asleep on call once.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I first saw Wilbur looking at me with a smirk. I hated when he did that. Then I started to see y/n hyperventilating like she needed air.

I slowly sat next to her and pulled her mask down I looked at Astrea with a worried look she immediately came over to calm y/n

" y/n wake up wake up " Astrea calmly started to wake her up slowly.  What was she dreaming about

"I'm up are we there yet" y/n asked

"No we just took off " I said with a calming look

"You good now" Astrea asked her

"Ya I think" she answered back

Astrea went to go sit back with Wilbur as he questioned her about what just happend.

I went to go sit back down in front of her.

"No stay im more relaxed when your here " y/n told me

So I did what she told me. I stayed with her for awhile in complete silence until.

"You probably want to know why I had an anxiety attack in my sleep" she asked me

"Do you want to tell me " I asked her back

"I mean I kinda half to now" she answered

"If you don't want to tell me I don't need to know " I told her

I think she felt a bit calmer when I told her that, she put her head on my shoulder and my heart skipped a beat.
Are friends supposed to do this

I hope your enjoying this so far. It will get better I promise just wait

Word: 907

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