Chapter one // november 28

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"How did I get here chat I've been streaming for one year and for that one year I made some really cool friend and memories. Anyways enough with that sappy shit I wanna play minecraft."

I welcomed everyone again and then opened discord on vc1 and I see that Will Tubbo Ranboo Philza and Tommy are in the vc. At first I warned myself that there's gonna be screaming because Tommy's there.

I join the vc and I was right Tommy was infact screaming at Will about some bullshit about Southpark.


Wilbur screamed back

"Hi Y/N "Tubbo welcomed him

His voice was so soft it was almost relaxing. I joined the dream smp and saw Phil and Ranboo in front of me when I joined.

I laughed a little too hard

In the meantime Wilbur and Tommy where still talking about something unrelated.

Do they even know im here.

Time skip at the end of stream///

I ended my stream and sighed out of relief.

"Getting tired of streaming Y/N " Ranboo asked

"I'm not getting tired of streaming its just alot " I said back

"Well I know that Dream Karl Sapnap and Techno are all coming to London for a meet up so maybe we could all go to our aunts cottage i don't think she would mind" Astrea said

"Wha.. how the hell did you even get on call" I asked.

"Its not that hard I just texted phil to add me on the discord group and then I just scrolled down to see that you where surprisingly on vc1 with tu.."

"OK OK I get it.. its noy that hard to see what I'm doing" I sayed cutting her off

"My question is did aunt Tezza say yes to this plan of yours because one her cottage is perfect for the winter and two she absolutely hates me ."I asked

"Of course she said yes im her favorite" she answered back

"So if I'm hearing this correctly where all gonna have a huge meet up at Y/N and Astreas aunts cottage because why not " Ranboo reassured

"Yes" Astreas answered

"OK great so when are we going to the cottage" Tubbo asked

"Dream, Techno, Karl and Sapnap are arriving the tomorrow so we can go the Thursday" Astrea said

"Or I can go to the cottage tomorrow to get everything ready then the others can come the Thursday" I suggested

"And if YOU don't trust me enough I can bring Will and Tubbo" I added

"I trust you " Astrea replied

"Ya ok sure" I added

I looked at the time and relised it was 2am and thought that i should probably get some sleep. I sayed bye to everyone, left the vc and went in my bed

(You pick you bedroom)

(You pick you bedroom)

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Tubbos Pov 

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Tubbos Pov 

Y/N left the vc which made me sad a bit I would never tell Tommy that Of course. Tommy thinks that I'm catching feelings for her (if your pronounsare they/them you can just change it)I dont think I am. The others left so i was left of the vc with Will and Tommy.

"TOBY ARE YOU HERE WITH US" Tommy screamed

"What I'm here im here" I answered

"Wow your really lost in her man.. get yourself together " Wilbur added

"One im not lost in her and two i am getting myself together" I answered back

"Oh Really did you think that  tomorrow your going to her aunt cottage with her to get things ready" Tommy added

"No but Tommy im gonna be going too he's not going to be as nervous" Wilbur teased

"I dont know if this is funny to you guys but I dont think it is. We are just FRIENDS I don't like her in that way and she probably doesn't like me in that way either" I stated

"But what if she does" Tommy added with a smirk

"TOMMY" I screamed

"OK OK fine " Tommy replied

i dont know if that sucked or anything like I sayed its my first time writing anything like this and it was also very short. By the way if you use they/them pronouns you can change it in a way it makes you feel comfortable.

Words: 743

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