Chapter nine// november 30 at night

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Y/n pov

Me and Toby where watching tik toks together which was relaxing.

The time was 4o clock and Tommy wanted to do a cooking stream with me.

Actually everyone else wanted to me to join him because if he was cooking alone he would burn down the house.

Tommy got everything set up and I got everything we need for the cooking part.

Since I was half Italian I decided to make pasta.

That's when Tommy pressed the Go Live Button.

His small intro thing came on. And thats when it started. I sat behind camera until he told me to walk into the frame


"Today we actually have a special guest that will help me not burn the house down" he started

"Today we have u/n (user name)" he sayed as I walked into frame

"Hey chat" I sayed

"So what are we making y/n  I don't actually know what we're making chat." Tommy asked

"Well since I'm half Italian and your technically in a Italian family cottage  currently i though that we could make pasta because one you can't burn the house down with pasta and two you can't really fuck that up " I told him

"Sounds easy enough" he sayed

"So what do you start with" he asked

"Well you need to boil the water and then put the pasta in the water and then once the pasta is ready you need to salt the pasta. After that you make your sauce which is a mix of beef tomatoes soup, cheese and alot of cheese green peppers red peppers. Onions garlic and Basile. "I sayed very fast

"Umm y/n can you uhh say that again" he sounded a bit worried

"Nope your on your own now Tommy im just watching and then if you fuck things up then that's when I come it to help. " I told as I sat on the counter waiting for him to start

"Umm ok" he grapped the pot and started to boil water

I got of the counter and put the heat up higher

Then I went back on the counter

Wilbur and Toby started laughing by what I did.
Once the water was boiling he placed salt in the water.

I got  off the counter and added more salt.

After the salt he added the pasta. He only added half the bag.

I sighed and added the hole bag. Half of the bag would only feed half of us.

While the Pasta was cooking he put a peice of pasta on a fork and was gonna feed it to me...

That's when toby stepped in..

"Tommy this is where I intervene" toby sayed as he took the fork and feed me the noodle.

"I can feed myself " as I grabbed the fork and ate the noodle.

Toby just stood there in shock.

"It needs to cook longer " I told Tommy

I started to read chat and they where just going insane


HunnyBunny64: OMG I SHIPP ITTT

muffininnit: AWWWW CUTTEEE

marleynotfound: TUBOOO SIMP


hater888: omg thats gross y/n doesn't deserve toby

Mark8282: hi y/n I see your having a great time.


I saw marks username and I wanted to just leave but I couldn't do that I needed to be strong for chat

"You alright" Tommy asked in a low voice

" im fine" I told him

"OK so how do you make the sauce " Tommy asked

"How about I make the sauce and you intertaine your stream plus I dont trust you with a pan" I told him

I got the pan out as I made the sauce I put in the tomato soup I cut up the vegetables. I cut a block of cheese and got out the cheese grater

"Tommy can you grate the cheese " I asked him

After he grated the cheese I put all of the cheese into the sauce and mixed the sauce with the pasta.

I served it on multiple plates for every one. Tubbo and Will both tried it first.

"Holy shit this is good " Wilbur voted

"Ya this is really good y/n" Toby sayed

"WHAT I HELPED TOO" Tommy yelled

Tommy ended his stream and we all ate together.

After we ate we waited a while until we did Clay's streaming idea.

Third person Pov

Everyone was sat in the bassment doing there own things y/n and Astrea where siting on the floor listening to music.

Behind them there was Tommy Tubbo and Ranboo siting on the couch.

Next to Tommy tubbo and Ranboo was Karl and Sapnap cuddling on the small couch.

Infront of Karl and Sapnap was Dream and George where watching tik tok.

Phill was controlling the fireplace

And Wilbur was teaching Fundy how to play the guitar.

Astreas pov

After dinner we where all doing our own little thing

It was 6:30

"Hey dream when did you want to do your never have I ever stream idea" I asked

"Umm around 6:30 " he told me

"It is 6:30" I answered back

"Oh shit then now I guess" he told me

"I'll make the none alcoholic drinks I guesse " y/n said

"And i will make sure she doesn't put any alcohol in the drinks" phill followed me to the kitchen

"What you don't trust me " she asked

"Absolutely not " Phill answered back.

Y/N's Pov

"Soo you and Toby whats up with that" he asked

"Were just friends as far as your concerned " I told him

"Anyways what are we putting in here." I asked him

"Well we could make smoothie but turn it a weird color for the stream it will look like its gross but it's good" he suggested

"That is a really good idea phill" I told him

We made a strawberry and banana smoothie but we mixed green and orange food coloring.

We grabbed the cups with the smoothie and brung them downstairs

By that time we got downstairs George was already live and he explained what we where doing.

A/N: ayoo another chapter i hoped that you liked it. I didn't post yesterday because it was my birthday. Happy birthday to mee I guess but today it Tubbos Birthday so ayy happy birthday bee boy I guess.
Next chapter is George's stream. Its great I promise.


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