Chapter sixty-two //// January 19

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Third person pov

"HOW DO YOU DO THIS" Tommy was screaming  in the guys room


"IM GETTING MARRIED" Astrea screamed in the girls room


it was pure chaos

"Tommy everything is going to be fine..." toby said trying to calm him down


"Astrea everything is going to be fine" y/n said trying to calm her down



"I'll tie your tie for you" Sirius said



"You didn't pick your vows" rose said to calm her down

"THATS EVEN WORSE " She answered back

"No no no... its the in sickness and in health bullshit your fineee " y/n said


Once everyone  got calmed down it was almost time for the wedding and guests started to arrive

Toby's pov

I needed t get out of that room....

Tommy was freaking out to much

I couldn't handle it....

I needed to  get my tie tied because I don't know how to do that ..

I went to go see y/n cause she knows how to do that and I wanted to see what she looked like

I knocked on the girls room and Andromeda peaked her head out to see who it was

"Oh toby come in" she said

I looked around the room to find y/n

She looked beautiful....

"You look beautiful darling" I said

"Thank you.... you don't look so bad yourself" she said

"But your missing something" y/n added

"Its my tie I can't tie it " I said while handing it to her

"I mean I guess I can help you" she said

She tied the tie like it was nothing...

"How the hell do you make it look so easy " I asked

"Well I mean I've done this since I was 11 so its like reading a book to me" she said

"Y/n toby hurry up the wedding is gonna start soon " Andromeda said

I kissed y/n goodbye and started walking with Wilbur  to the alter

Soon after the music started playing and the brides mates were walking out

Tommys pov

I was standing by the guy who was going to make me the luckiest man on earth

I think his name was John but I couldn't remember

The music starter playing and people started walking down the isle

Soon astrea came down...

She looked so beautiful....

The dress looked amazing on her....

The red mixed with the white perfectly... her hair was beautiful

Everything was perfect....

She stood infront of me and John then the ceremony started

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Astrea and Tom Simons" John said

"Astrea and Tom have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to each other in mariage" John said

"Will you honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives" John said

"Will you accept children lovingly from god ans bring them up accordingto the laws of Christ and his church" John said

Astrea nodded and I copied...

"Now tom repeat after me" John said

"I Tom " John said

"I Tom" I repeated

"Take you Astrea" John said

"Take you Astrea" I repeated

"To be my wife" John said

"To be my wife" I repeated

"I Promise to be true to you in good times and bad" John said

"I promise to be true to you in hood times and bad" i repeated

"In sickness and in health" John said

"In sickness and in health" I repeated

"I will love you and honor you all the days of my life" John said

"I will love you and honor you all the days of my life" I repeated

He turned to astrea 

Astreas Pov

After Tommy did his part Jared turned to me

"Astrea... repeat after me "Jared said

"I Astrea" Jared said

"I Astrea" I repeated

"Take you Tom" Jared said

"Take you Tom" I repeated

"To be my husband" Jared said

"To be my husband" I repeated

"I promise to be true to you in good times or bad" Jared said

"I promise to be true to you in good times and bad" I repeated

"In sickness and in health" Jared said

"In sickness and in health" I repeated

"I will love you and honor you all the days of my life " Jared said

"I will love you and honor you all the days of my life" I repeated

"In the name of the father the son and the holy spirit i present to you husband and wife... you make kiss the bride" Jared said

After that Tommy didnt hesitate and kissed me

After we walked back down the isle we wanted to take pictures

After pictures we started talk to the guests

We soon found out that the priests name was not john or Jared it was Micheal

We did all the wedding things you had to do like the best man speech... the father daughter dance with phil and
the husband and wife dance

When guest started leaving thats when shit went down hill


Its been a while and I mean a long while.. I dont know if I mentioned this before but it has been more then a year that this book has been released or started to get released.... I hope all of you guys have enjoyed so far and I know for a fact you aren't ready for the end... I cannot wait...

Anyways I hope you have an amazing day/night and drink water...

Words: 927


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