Chapter sixty-nine 😏 /// February 14th

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Third person pov

'Its been almost a month without him ' she thought

While she played minecraft for comfort in her bed...

'A month' she thought

She couldn't gather her mind to believe its almost been a month without toby smith

She was living with Sirius and Remus now with them making sure she was eating well and not skipping meals

Her mother got a bunch of parts in movies now

Her sister moved in with Tommy and they got an appartment

'They were probably doing something cute for valentines day because couples do that you know ' she thought

'Dream and George probably had something planed

So did Karl and Sapnap' she thought

She sighed in defeat the day of love wasnt going to get any better for her wasnt it

She finally got out of her bed after being stuck in the same spot for more then 12 hours...

Put on an oversized jumper on top of her oversized t-shirt

She waved her hand and the door opened for her

Shes been slowly using her magic more and more while being around Sirius and Remus

Creature was dusting the railing for Regulus because there was no way that the house elf was taking orders from

"SIRIUS BLACK" an elderly lady screamed in an exciting tone

Y/n walked down the stairs slowly to avoid the screaming situation and have the attention on her

'Its 10 in the morning who the hell is here this early' she thought

She saw regulus looking at her but walking towards the door

He mouthed 'stay there'

And so she did she sat on the second to last step so she wouldn't be visible

Once he closed the door she got up and made her way to the kitchen

The Wizarding radio was on and they were talking about some political bullshit

Y/n was stirring her french vanilla while Nola the cat that she took from the cottage was drinking the milk she set for her on the counter beside her

That morning the hard wood floor was colder then usual

"Lucius malfoy was caught trying to escape Azkaban... he was brought back to his cell and will stay there for double his sentence" the radio man said

"Thank fuck.. that man deserves to drown in his sadness in that jail cell for the rest of his life " y/n said while sipping her french vanilla

She waved her hand and the radio shut off

"I agree i dont even know why my darling cousin desired to marry him" Regulus said while reading the daily prophet leaned back on the dining chair

"How is Narcissa lately" she asked

"You know after the astrea situation" she added while looking up at Regulus her mug still close to her face

Y/n would often refer to that night as the astrea situation it almost made her feel like it didnt happend even though it very much did

"I have a better question" Regulus asked

"How are you doing" Regulus added while putting down his paper on the table next to him neatly

"Well it's almost been a month without him and its valentines day so ill probably just try to ignore the love day today " y/n said while putting her mug down and nodding her head to her own statement

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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