Chapter Sixty-six /// January 20

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Lani's pov

"Your son mister Smith" the mysterious man said

"Yes has he done something wrong" dad said

"No ... no he hasn't however I regret to inform you that your son has been murdered" the man said

Everything stopped


I was just talking to him 2 hours ago ......

He can't be....

Mum started to tear up...

"We would need you to identify his body in the morning just to be clear" he said

"How did this happend" dad asked

"Im sorry but I can not give you the said information... its strictly confidential" the man said

"However I am very sorry for your loss" he said then escorted himself out then left

Teagan was crying so was mum and dad was trying to be strong....

I won't believe it

Absolutely not...

I went upstairs and got my phone....

I called toby.....

Pick up dickhead....

You can't be dead...

"Hello you have reached me... toby... I'm probably streaming just leave a message"


Thats a lie....

Your not dead...

I called him again....

"Hello you have reached me... toby... I'm probably streaming just leave a message"


I couldn't see anymore....

My tears were covering my eyes....

You can't be dead...

I need you....

Please don't be dead

Tommys pov

We were all just sitting in a circle

Me Phil Kristen Andromeda Regulus  Sirius Remus Draco Scorpius Albus Ranboo and Narcissa

Just waiting for something to happen

Sirius sent out a patronus to Severus letting him know that Astrea was gone and we didn't know where she went

I was still trying to figure out was a patronus was

We saw a bright light come from the outside then soon enough we realized it  was Severus

Such a sneaky man he was

"Where is she" Severus said

"I dont know " I said

"What do you mean you don't know.... your her husband " Severus said

"I know " I said

"I trusted you with her... I made a promise to Charlie" he said

"To protect her from guys like you" he added

"Guys that are easily distracted" he said

I deserve that

"Severus dont say that he doesn't deserve that" Narcissa said

"He's just a boy for fuck sakes " she added

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