Chapter forty-one/// december 28

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//Timeskip the next day//

Toby's pov

Yesterday was a weird day... Wilbur streamed on his account and did the never have I ever thing he wanted to do

He gave me a smoothies  that astrea made but this time it tasted different

I got y/n to try it and she said that hers tasted different then mine

It was very weird but I didn't think much of at the time

But now....

This morning I feel great... usually  when I drink smoothie  I feel like shit in the morning

It was a very weird morning...

I felt so loving... I loved y/n more then I did yesterday

I immediately  went to her room to see if she was awake or not...

She was..

"Good morning darling" I greeted her with a kiss

"Good morning.... whats up with you this morning" she asked with a smile

"I dont know i just woke up and felt more in love with you then I did yesterday its weird" I answered  while hugging her

"Do you think its the smoothie" y/n asked

"I think... maybe that's why mine tasted different from yours" I said

She nodded

It was silent... but a comfortable silence

I could stop admiring the little thingthings that you wouldn't notice

She was soo beautiful....

I think I want to marry her.....



What are you thinking toby get yourself together you've only been daiting this girl for a month and now you want to marry her...

I needed to talk with phil

"I have an idea... get dress and meet me downstairs" I said and rushed out the room

I hurried my way downstairs to get to phil

I entered the living room and phil was sitting with Techno and fundy

"Phil i need your help" I said panicking

"Whats wrong toby" he answered back

"So last night my smoothie tasted different from y/ns and now this morning I love her more then I did yesterday to the point that I was to get on one knee and propose" I said really fast

"Then thats good you eventually want to get married to her" Phil said

"No phil I want to marry her right now.... we've only been daiting for a month" I said

"Then thats a bit concerning... I mean its great that you love her but getting married while you guys have only been together for a month... its a bit too much" Phil said

"I know its too much phil and I know I'm not ready to get married and I don't think y/n is either but my heart wants to get married to her" I said

"Whos getting married " astrea said behind me

"Um no one.... " I answered fast

"It doesn't seem like no one " she insisted while walking toward me

"Fine my mom and dad are finally getting married" I lied

"Awww thats so sweet.... your gonna bring y/n as you date right" Astrea said

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