Chapter fifty-five/// January 13th

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Y/ns pov

When Phil texted us that he was on his way....We needed to decorate this place very fast because tommy decided to propose to her at the restaurant  for some reason

We decorated the downstairs area with golden ballons

Me and Toby were cuddling on the floor while Wilbur and ranboo were arguing about who Tommy would ask to be his best man

It was a bit funny but I couldn't laught without them looking at me like I killed they're cat or great aunt...

I got a text saying that they were on my road....

"Oh ok can you two stop arguing... They're on the way back"  I raised my voice a bit

Ranboo and Wilbur looked at scared of me while the rest was relieved  that i mentioned something

"Thanks you" toby whispered

We heard the door open  and we could hear talking

Astrea pov

I walked into the door with the ring on my finger proud as could be

I walked into the living room and saw some roses leeding to the downstairs area

I looked back at Tommy a bit confused

He nodded at me to follow the path...

I slowly walked down the stairs with Tommy behind me

"Surprise" everyone yeld

I immediately turned around to Tommy and hugged him because I didn't like the noise but after I turned around to see the amazing decorations

"What the hell" I asked shocked

I looked at Tommy in shock

"Did you set all of this up" I asked

Tommy nodded

"Its beautiful" I said

I hugged y/n who was standing infront of me while Tommy hugged toby

"Now toby... I have a question for you" Tommy said

"Alright what is it" he asked

"Well you know now that me and astrea are getting married i was going to ask if you wanted to be my best man " Tommy asked

Y/n started laughing immediately

"Whats so funny" Tommy glared at y/n

"Ranboo and Wilbur were just arguing about who was going to be your best man" y/n said

"Well there going to be still best man but Toby's going to be my main best man" he said

"Tom i would love to be your best man " toby answered

"And Wilbur and ranboo will be my other best man's " Tommy said while Wilbur and ranboo both nodded

We sat down looking at the fireplace while listening to music

Walk Right Back by The Everly Brothers /// added by Philza and Smajor

We sat listening to songs while I was imagining the perfect wedding



Short chapter today.... how are we feeling after Dreams face reveal..... I know I felt very numb during everything... I cant wait for the future I've got to say...

Anyways I hope you have a good day/night and drink water



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