Chapter thirty// december 24th in the morning

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Y/n pov

I woke up and i was in a really bright room...

I opened a door and now I was in a different place...

It looked like I was in a hospital....

I was definitely dreaming....

I could see one person in a hospital bed and two people beside him....

I couldn't see who the two people were but there presence felt familiar...

"Can you please save him... I know you can do it.." an unknown voice said..

"I will but I need something from you first" the other unknown voice said...

Now I was teleported to another place... it looked like dads work...

he was an Auror... he would catch criminals why im I being placed here....

"The world will find out... we can't let this happen minister" a man said

"Well it's going to happen... and we will let it happen" the other man said

I was now in the same bright room that I was in at first

Everything was getting brighter and brighter and now I heard voices..

I saw Astrea open the curtains

I think I was awake...

So I really was dreaming...

"Good morning" Astrea said

"Good morning... I need to know if I'm awake... throw something at me" I said really fast..

"What do you mean... " Astrea said

"I had a semi fucked up dream and I need to know if I'm awake" I said

"OK what do you want me to throw at you" she said

"I dont know and I don't care" I said while she threw a book at me

"OK i didn't mean something that heavy" I said

"Well what did you want me to do.... you just said throw something at me and I got scared ok... I thought you where possessed or something" Astrea said

"Anyways what was your dream" she added

"Its not important..." I said

"Oh come on... you wanted me to throw a book at you to make sure you weren't still dreaming " Astrea said a bit pissed off

"Fine i saw two people standing next to a person in a hospital bed... then I was brought to dads work" I explained in a  breaf description...

"Thats it... no details... no they said " Astrea said

"I just want to forget about it and move on ok..." I said

"I dont really know if thats going to help the bad feeling where having..." Astrea said while I went to get ready for the day....

Tubbos pov

I woke early to make y/n pancakes for her birthday because she made them for me...

For some reason I dont think that having pancakes for two days in a row is a good thing

I started making them when Philza came downstairs...

He was talking to his wife at the same time

"Oh God.. darling toby has a death wish" Philza said

"Why... is he cooking again" i could hear Kristen from the phone

"Its not cool to make fun of your adopted son on the phone" I said

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