Chapter seven// november 30

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George's Pov

Phil and fundy got here with the cars. Me and clay got into fundys car with Techno and Nick and Karl went into phils car with ranboo and Tommy

Fundy put the joined playlist on in the car

Song playing// Juliet by Cavetown added by y/n

Y/n added this song aww its cute

I tryed to think about how this 2 months was going to end up going because there's children involved.

As I was think i tryed to say awake but I ended up falling asleep on Clay's shoulder

Tommy's pov

Song playing// What a time by Julia Michaels featuring Niall Horan added by y/n

Holly shit what's with the sad sappy love songs y/n.

We listened to music for a bit but I got bored.. really bored we picked up Karl Sapnap and Ranboo from London and now I have nothing to talk about for ones

"Holy shit I think this is the longest time I've seen Tommy go without talking" Phil stated

"Ya wait you have been quiet recently whats wrong Tommy " Ranboo asked me

"Hes all shook up because Wilbur gave him Astreas snapchat" Phill answered for me

"I want to add her but I dont because I don't want to seem needy " I told them

"Tommy if she gave you her snap it means that she wants you to add her" Karl told me for relief

"Karl you are brilliant" I told him

"No its just called being logical" he insulted me

I opened snapchat and searched her name astrea_jinx



Oh wait there was number

I go back on Wilbur and i text


I go back on snapchat and add the numbers

Her bitmoji shows up with her name. Its looked so much like her. I added her and almost immediately she added me back

I smilled at phone and sighed outcof relief

"She added you back" Ranboo asked

"She added me back boss man" I answered him

"Can I ask you you four an honest question" I asked them

"Do we think that astrea likes you Yes I dont know how many time we have to say it " Phill answered

"No that wasn't my question but thanks for that. Do any of you guy know y/n and Astreas last name" I asked them

"Tommy that kinda a stupid question" Ranboo answered

"No but hold on a minute let's be honest here nobody's heard it. " Sapnap added

"Hold on let me asked Dream. I'm sure he would know " I told them

------- Green Boy ---------

Me: Hey dream wierd question do you know y/n and Astreas last name

Green boy: No i don't why

Me: well let's be honest here who knows both of there last names

Green boy: that is true

Me: well were almost there so we'll ask them when we get there.

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