Chapter fifty four /// January 12

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Tommys pov

Phil drove us to the restaurant which was a pretty fancy restaurant to be fair...

A waitress seated us in a two seater table so it was all cute and everything

"So why did you want to take me on a fancy date" astrea asked

"Well I figured that since your my girlfriend I should take you on a date since we haven't done that yet " I answered

"OK well I'm going to tell you I've never been on a date before " she said

"Im a 18 year minecraft streamer do you really think I have been on a date too" I said

She laught

The waiter asked us if we were ready  to order

I ordered a pasta dish that had a fancy name and astrea pizza with a fancy name....

We had amazing conversations while we waited for our food

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom ill be back" she said

I nodded and took out my phone shortly after she left

I needed to text phil


Me: so i think I'm just going to propose at the restaurant....

Dadza: ok but I thought you wanted to look at the stars and dance with her in the field....

Me: ya I did but im sure that we can do that eventually after....

Me: its just she's starting to figure out that there's more to this date

Dadza: oh you didn't have to explain i was just thought thats what the plan was

Dadza: you can change it at anytime you want

Me: ok thanks phil I got to go


I turned off my phone as the waitress came towards the table

She didn't have anything in her hand which was a bit strange

"Hey I dont mean to interrupt but I couldn't help to notice your girlfriend going into the bathroom with another man" the waiter said and walked away


She wouldn't.....

She would never....

I looked at my pocket where the ring was and it was clear that there was something in my pocket....

I got up and started to walk towards the bathroom when a different waiter stopped me.....

"She does that to men that are about to propose ignore her...." the brunette said

"But she seemed so honest" I said to the waiter

"Ya she's a pathological liar and studying to be an actor... she's full of shit " the waiter said

I nodded and returned to my seat....

A couple minutes after astrea showed up and so did the food.....

Everything looked amazing....

After we ate we kept talking about different thing like what we want to do later in life or different places to travel......

"You know everywhere I go i want to go with you" I said

"Aww that cute tommy" she said

"I want to do everything with you.... like buy a house in the middle of nowhere.... travel where the hell we want to go... pretend that nothing else exists and that its just us two" I said

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