Chapter forty- three/// december 28

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Sebrinas pov

I was walking in the LeStrange forest to get some ingredients  for potions or spell or just to sell in general

Y/n and Astrea  would let use they're  supplie of ingredients since they're aunt did such terrible  things to my parents

Y/ns family was a bit different...

Since her family  is so concerned  about the magical blood being pure there was alot of rumors

Some people were saying that her mother married her second cousin thats why the LeStrange  forest is part her moms and part her dads thats why the cottage has always been there 

That doesn't matter to me... I dont really get the whole family thing

I got to thinking about how those four guys came into my store...

I wondered why they needed a un-love potion...

I'm just hopping they really didn't use it... I dont really want to deal with them coming  in my store anytime soon....

All of a sudden  I heard voice... it almost sounded like a heated  conversation.....

I walked a bit closer so I could at less se there faces....


Absolutely  not.... it can't be the guys who where at my store....


I cant believe  it.... why were they in the middle of the forest arguing....

I need to be a detective right now.... I need to listen to the conversation....

I've always wanted to be a detective with the little badge-

Sebrina.... Focus.... On..... Listening.....

I couldn't really understand what they where talking  about but only one thing caught my attention ...

"We just edit the pictures to make it seem like toby is cheating on y/n  " the man with brown hair said

I think that one thing is the only thing I need to know about knowing why they needed that potion

I knew toby was y/ns boyfriends... she wouldn't stop talking about him when she came in the store .....

I blacked out for a while but it was quite... the group was still there but it was silent....

The blonde spoke first

"Who do you think has a suspicion that we're up to something "

I had to say something they are all so stupid... ofcourse y/n knows she grew up with this bullshit

"I think y/n does... she's very smart and also her family would do sketchy shit all the time so she's used to it" my voice echoed through  the trees

Everyone looked shocked to see me.....

I  mean they should have been because the last thing they knew... they were alone

"How did you get here" Wilbur asked harshly

"I honestly hurt that you don't want me in your presence Wilbur... oh and to answer your question y/n let's me take walks in the forest when I need supplies for my shop" I said with different  facial expressions

"How much did you hear of our conversation" clay asked

"I heard enough to know why you needed that potion that day" I answered

"I think you guys have asked me enough question... I think its my turn " I said

"Why do you need toby and y/n to break up... They're so happy together why would you try and ruin that" I asked

It was silent no one said a word....

"Lucius is forcing us" techno said while everyone looked at him

I felt really bad for them... they're being forced to do something they don't want to do...

I know how lucius works... I mean I guess I could help them

No no no... thats ridiculous.... what am I thinking....

But they seem so desperate.....

"I can help you " I said

What the fuck did I just sign up to



Short chapter for today.....

But hope this made you have more questions and if you don't have questions.... that's sad

Anyways hope you have a good day/night and drink water

Words: 648


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