Chapter twelve/// november 30 at night

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Y/n pov

Phil did some Just Dance with Fundy but Phil didn't really move much he only wanted the points

Sapnap and Karl where on a team

Phil and fundy where on a team

Me and Toby where on a team

And Wilbur and Ranboo where on a team

And Astrea and Tommy weren't  playing

I sat back for a bit and relaxed when my phone started to ring it was my mom

I got into a room closed the door and answered the call


Me -hello

Mum -hey y/n how is everything at the cottage

Me -oh its great we did some streams on different accounts and now where playing Just Dance.

Mum -thats great how are things with astrea.. is she having a good time

Me -astrea yea she's fine.. I think she's having a good time... its only been one day that we all have been hanging out together

Mum -thats good ...well if all is great then I will let you get back to your friend

Me - ok... oh wait mum

Mum - yea whats wrong

Me - um i told one of my friends about who and what I was... I hope your not mad

Mum - no in not mad just make sure toby doesn't tell anyone.. and make sure to do the charm

Me -ok hold on.. how did you know its toby and two what charm?

Mum - one you know I watch your streams and two the family curse

Mum - the curse that if you tell a normal person what you are you have to give that person an ability. And if you don't they will have deathly symptoms.

Me - um... ok what is the charm to stop that

Mum - its in my old spell book in the library I think its on page 468 but I'm not sure.

Me - ok thats great I need to look at that tomorrow when I get time to talk to him again and when I get time to myself to look at the book

Mum- ok that good if anything happens where you need help i..

Me - your one call away.... I know mum

Mum- alright well I love you and I miss you

Me- I love you too mum and miss you

Mum- alright talk to you later bye

Me- bye


After I hung up with my mum I went back to the living room and saw that techno and fundy went to bed.

Karl and Sapnap was cuddling on the couch.

Phill and Will where talking about something that was happening this week.

Ranboo and Toby was doing something on their phones.

Astrea and Tommy were talking together.

Both of them are getting along well and I think its a little weird .. I never thought Tommy would be interesting in someone like my sister its all a bit weird.

I sat next to Toby and saw that he was texting his mum. That's cute..

The time was 12am

Karl and Nick both went to bed in their own room so did Tommy and Astrea

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