Chapter thirty-five/// december 25

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(Tw: mention of eating disorder and other things)

Y/n pov

I woke up and had a huge headache...

That when I remembered... about last night

I shouldn't have drank last night...

It was a big mistake.... hopefully I didnt say something while I was drunk....

I went to get up but I felt someones arms around me...

It was toby it didn't bother me....

I got up and went to get ready for today...

It was Christmas... I wanted to make it a little special....

Me Ranboo and Toby where going to his family's house..

Tommy was astrea where going to his parents house.....

Philza techno and wilbur where going to his house

George and dream where going to George's parents house

And sapnap Karl and Fundy where going to stay at the cottage

I went downstairs to see Wilbur raping his last present...

All of the present where underneath the tree...

It looked so magical...

"Hi Wilbur... Merry Christmas" I said

"Good morning y/n... merry Christmas to you too" Will said back...

"How did you sleep" I asked..

"Better question for you... how did you sleep" Wilbur smilled...

"I slept fine I had a slight headache... but I'm fine now" I lied

I still had a horrible headache

"Wow thats surprising with how drunk you where last night" Wilbur said

"Cmon I wasn't that bad" I said

"When toby carried you bridal style to your room... you said that it was almost like both of you were married" willbur said

"Oh God... what did Sirius say to that" i asked

"I have no idea I wasn't ther for that part I went to bed" Wilbur said

After that conversation someother people woke up...

Philza was awake
Tommy was awake
Techno was awake
Fundy was awake
Astrea was awake
And Toby was awake

The only people that weren't where sapnap Karl and dream....

"The Americans always sleep in" Tommy said

"Hey what do I look to you" ranboo said

"I mean people from florida" Tommy said

I was sitting next to Toby and the fire place... it was so peaceful until all you heard was yelling...


All you heard was Karl laughing and running downstairs with Sapnaps phone in hand

"Whats going on " I asked concerned

"Theres a song that he started on his phone with dream and I want to hear it" Karl said

All of us got up to see what Karl was talking about...

Before we were able to listen to it sapnap came downstairs...

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