Chapter eighteen /// december 2nd the morning

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Y/n Pov

(Insert annoying alarm ×10)

I woke up from my amazing dream about me and toby...

"Uhhhh" I almost yelled in a annoyed voice

Then Astreas Alarm Went off...

Soon enough everyone's phone was going off with there alarm

"What the fuck.... what time is it" Astrea woke up soo tired..

"It is in fact 6am and I suddenly don't want to go skating anymore" I told her still tierd...

"Uhhhh I dont wannntt toooo...... why doo wee haveee to wake up at 6 why can't it be 7" she asked

"I dont know asked phil he's the one that told us about the skating thing" I told her with an annoyed voice

Wilburs 's pov

It was morning my alarm woke me up it was not great....

I had to wake up Tommy because the little bitch didn't put on his alarm and was trying to sleep in...

I blasted the sound of my alarm into Tommy's ear and it scared the absolute shit out of him

And it ended up working .

"What the hell man" he woke up scared shitless

"You didn't turn on your alarm so I had to wake you up" I told him

"What even time is it" he asked

"6am " I answered

He slowly keeped falling asleep

I took that as a challenge

I turned back on my alarm music

"OK OK im awake im awake" he gave up

Dreams Pov

Me and Georges alarm went off but we just wanted to stay there...

We wanted to stay there and cuddle him soo bad but instead we got up and got ready for the day

After we where both almost ready it also didn't take us long

I kissed George on his soft lips like I always did...

Until Nick interrupted

He was making sure that we both woke up

But he walked in at the wrong time

"Oh shit.... umm I'm... nevermind your awake " Nick walked in on us

He ruined the mood...

George was laughing

So was I too be honest

We both got of the bed and went down the downstairs to the kitchen...

Nick and Karl where both sitting on the couch and being cute like always...

Y/ns pov

I already picked out my outfit I thought i looked horrible....

I was still tried and didn't looking my 100% best

(Choose your outfit)

(Choose your outfit)

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