Chapter four// november 29

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Wilburs Pov

It was 3:45pm and me and Astrea where talking about MCC, music and bunch of other things that are unrelated. That's when I thought I should get Tommy's name in the convosation. I should be a good wing man.

"Omg Tommy is soo annoying he won't stop texting me " I complained

"Oh about what if you don't mind me asking" she said in return

She's interested this is good. Oh shit make something up he's not actually texting me.

"Oh just to know how things are with tubbo and y/n, he's kinda they're third wheel" I made up

What the hell was that Will

"Why is he the one third wheeling im her sister and two there not dating yet " she asked me

" haha thats the key word yet there not dating yet. So I mean you see them dating too" I asked her

"Do I see them dating, Will its gonna happen at some point, let's be honest just look at them" she said while turning her head toward Toby and y/n

I looked at tubbo and y/n and saw that tubbo was still sitting with y/n and her head was on tubbos shoulder.

"When do you think they'll start dating "I sighed

"Give it a couple weeks" Astrea said

"Meh I say 3 Toby's to oblivious about his feelings" I answered back

"Fine its a bet" she replied back

"What do you mean its a bet " I asked

"If they start dating in 2 weeks you owe me 2 pounds and if they don't I owe you 2 pounds" she said

"Fine its a deal" I said

It was quiet for a while until Tommy actually texted me.

------- Little Child -------

Little child: yo man did you talk to her about me

Me: yes Tommy Im working on it now shut up

Little Child: ok ok geez man

Little child: wait if you sayed your working on it does that mean you already talked to her about me


Little child: ok ok shutting up now


As soon as I closed my phone I felt someone looking over my shoulder... fuck

"Why is Tommy texting you now "she asked

Ok good she didn't top

"I.... uhh.... haha... I asked him if he packed his shit for tomorrow" I finally answered by once again making some lie

"You don't need to lie" she added

Fucking children why do they have to be like this

"Ohh ya about that Tommy wants me to talk to you about him cause he wants to get to know you better." I finally said something that was true...... well a little true

"Oh haha then send him this" she said as she send me her snapchat username

"Oh ok that was easy" I told her

------ Little Child --------

Me: I got you her snap

Little child: wait really what is it

Me: wow SIMP

Little child: willbur you little bitch what is it

Me: astrea_jinx066

Little child: thank you will your the best you will definitely be invited to our wedding

Me: you are such a simp and you talk about tubbo being a simp.

Little child: im not a simp im a Super Impressive Minecraft Player

Me: byee Tommy

Little child: bye Wilbur talk to her about me please


I thought about what I was going to say to Astrea. How do I even do this. Just say something willbur your good at that.

"So since you know I gave Tommy your snap does that mean that you would want to be his friends" i asked

"I mean ya he's kinda cute and I would want him to get to know me a bit better" she told me

Holy shit I am going to they're wedding

"Ohhhhh does that mean your interested in him"i asked again

" nooo.... wellll.... no...not in that way" Astrea studered

"Ya ok sure " I looked at her with a smirk

"Willbur... no its not like that" she added

"Like i said ok sure " I replied

Toby's pov

I was sitting with y/n and we where both on are phones. Willbur and Astrea where talking about some shit about MMC and then music and weirdly enough the convosation changed to Tommy

I knew Tommy liked Astrea in more then a friends way but I didn't think he would put willbur up to talk about him to Astrea.

The situation was weird.

As I slowly fell asleep I felt the train slowly come to a stop

"Where here" i heard y/n say

"Finally" I sayed in a tired voice

"Oh did I wake you up" she asked

"Oh no you didn't its fine "i sayed

We all got up and got off the train y/n's aunt was there to pick us up

////Fast forward to when we got to the cottage ////

Y/n pov

My aunt dropped us off at the cottage its was a very long 25 minutes. Its was 25 minutes of Astrea and her having a very good conversation and in the back was me Tubbo and Will just sitting in silence listening to they're convosation.

Once we arrived i started to remember all the good memories in that cottage. All the memories of my dad and mum it was great all the times that we just stayed there for Christmas.

I unlocked the door and all those memories just unleashed into my brain again. Then there was one, one memorie that I didn't want to remember

///// Flashback ////

"Why don't you love me anymore " it was moms voice

"What i will always love you, your my fiancé why wouldn't I love you " then it was marks voice

"Then if you love me so much why would you cheat on me " mums voice

"Who would I cheat on you with " marks voice

"I dont know my sister, you always loved her, you always told how good she smelled, you always laughed at her jokes and not mine and I saw her shirts in our room when we where back home" mums voice

///// End of Flashback/////

" y/n are you ok" I heard Toby say

" ya im fine I think" I answered back

"Do you wanna talk about it.... but of you don't its completely fine because I don't want to force you to talk to me about what your going through.. I just want you to know that I'm here if you want you " toby sayed very fast

" no toby its fine I want to talk" I calmed him down a bit

A/N: that was a long chapter. I promise things are getting better I promise you oh and just an FYI the aunt will not be staying at the cottage at the same time as everyone else

Word: 1133

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