Chapter sixty-one/// January 19

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"Oh my God shut the hell up... what time is it even" I asked

"5 o'clock" she said with a grin

"Bitch im going back to sleep fuck that" I said

"Fine what ever" she said and walked away

A couple minutes later the door opened again

"I said I'm going back to sleep.... im not waking up this early" I said

"Yes you are " toby said

Fuck she really used him for me to wake up.... that asshole

"Its too early.... " I said

"Yes but we have to get things ready for the wedding and that takes alot of time" toby said

"Finee" I said

"Sirius is even here and awake " he said

"Now I have to say that your lying sir" I said

"No im being honest he's awake and here " he said

"No I have to get up and see if your lying" I said

"I promise you im not " he got up and left the room so I could get ready

I picked up an outfit that would be confortable to wear before putting the dress on

I picked up an outfit that would be confortable to wear before putting the dress on

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(Pick your outfit )

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(Pick your outfit )

I got dressed and went downstairs

I got to the bottom of the stairs and I could already hear Sirius talking in the kitchen

"How the hell did you get him up" I asked Remus

"He threatened me " Sirius exclaimed

"I didn't threaten you i told you that if you didn't get up there would be consequences" Remus said

"I dont know... it sounded like threatening to me "Sirius said

"OK well tell me what was so threading and I can use my own judgment" I said

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