Chapter twenty/// december 2 afternoon and night

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Y/n pov

Everyone was talking and having gun until I recognized i familiar face

"Oh shit" I said while hiding myself behind toby

"Whats wrong" Wilbur and Toby both asked

"My ex is over there..... I forgot that he goes skating every year" I said

"Is it the hockey player" Astrea asked

I nodded yes

"The one who cheated on you with your best friend" she asked

"Yes and there was only one hockey player" I said

"Thank you for reminding me of that" I added

"Oh shit.. he's walking over here" I said while being uncomfortable

"Hey hottie whats up" he said looking at me

"Um... hi.." I answered

"So what do you say i take you out for dinner after my practice" he asked

"Umm... no... im good... I thought you where dating Allison.." I said

"Me and Allison are over.. i relised that its you that I want to spend the rest of my life with you " he said

"Oh... ok.. but... I still don't want to go out with you Bradley...." I said

"Why... I thought we were ment for each other.... you changed after you met these assholes.... y/n did they force you to change " Bradley  said

I was shocked with his answer my eyes were almost filled with tears

"No Bradley we weren't ment for each other you made that very clear after you cheated on me.... and they didn't change me you did" I said I was clearly upset and Toby knew

"I think you should go..." toby said

Oh no 

"And who do you think you are.... her boyfriend" Bradley asked

"No im not... im just saying that you obviously made her upset and she doesn't want to talk to you" toby answered

"Do we have a problem man " Bradley answered

Astrea sighed and stepped in front of him

"Ya we do actually... you can either leave or I can physically make you leave" Astrea said

"Pft im not scared of you " Bradley said

Astrea kicked him where it hurts and he immediately fell to the ground

"Wrong answer" Astrea said as Phil,  Techno and the others came to see what was going on

"OK OK fine ill leave" he got up and ran

"Are you stupid" I said to astrea

"What he left" astrea said

"Ya but he will be back for revenge... you know how he works" I said

"Well we will deal with that when the time comes" Astrea

"I think its time to go" Phil said trying to change the subject

"Ya i think we should go " I said while everyone skating to the door

I apologized to everyone for what just happend i felt extremely bad...

After toby ended stream I felt a bit better

I felt like there was someone alway looking at me and I didn't like that feeling..

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