Chapter twenty-seven/// december 21 in the morning

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Y/n pov

Its been a couple of days now...

Tommy is still trying to apologize to Tubbo about what happend on stream...

But its not working....

Their was alot of tension in the house...

Ranboo let me and Tubbo sleep together... which i got alot of question from Astrea in the morning though..

Its my birthday in three days and only toby and astrea knows... he also knows that i don't like celebrating it..

Thats besides the fact that today we are going to tell everyone that me and him are dating... and we're also going to tell  them that we don't the internet knowing... at some point

Hopefully this will work just great...

It was currently 7:30 am and I couldn't sleep...

Even with toby cuddling me I still couldn't sleep...

I had this bad feeling this whole trip... but now it just keeps getting worse...

I got up and went to get some water... something was wrong I could feel it..

I started to see light coming from the kitchen... I thought that no one would be awake at this time

I slowly went down the stairs like a spy...

I tried to walk past the parts that mad noise but instead I tripped over my feet and fell straight on floor...

Thankfully i didn't make alot of noise to wake up the others but the person that was in the kitchen definitely heard me...

"Oh my God y/n are you alright" I heard Astreas voice...

"Ya im fine... why are you awake at this time " I asked

"Well I was cuddling Tommy and I had my nightmare again so I woke up and now I can't fall back asleep" she answered

"You know you can tell me right...." I said

"OK... but I dont want you to over react" Astrea answered

I nodded in response

"Basically at the start I see tubbo but he's just standing there... then I see dream but he's also just standing.... then I hear tubbos voice asking me to take care of her...." Astrea started

I was a bit confused

"After he told me that he crumbled into dust... then I heard a random voice asking dream if it was worth it... then he said every second of it" She continued

"After that I was brung to this forest and there was a tombstones and it had Toby's name on it " Astrea finished

I started to see white...

I cant lose him...

I felt my body collapse on the floor and my body go cold

I didnt know how long I was there for...

I started to hear a familiar voice... really familiar

Toby's Pov

Astrea ran into my room and woke me up saying that something was wrong with y/n

I immediately ran down stairs and saw her laying on the floor..

It looks like she passed out..

I shook her a bit and it looked like she was starting to come back..

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