Chapter fifty seven/// January 15

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Y/ns pov

Today toby wanted to take a walk down by the river... I have no idea why but I think its cute and romantic...

 I have no idea why but I think its cute and romantic

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(This is your outfit)

"So are you ready" toby asked

I nodded while he held my hand

"So did you del and astrea have a good start with the wedding planing" he asked

"Well we called some places where she would want to have her wedding and we got one venue out of 3" I answered

"Thats good at less you got a place how many people can the venue hold" toby asked

"It can hold a 1500 people... I wish it was a bit bigger" I said seriously

"Your joking " he said

"No... we have a pretty big family... at my mums wedding there was 500 and that was just my mums side of the family" I said while toby was shocked

There was a moment of silence  while we went closer to the water

"Did you guys do invitations or figure out colors for the wedding" he asked

"Ya the invitation are going to be made magically ofcourse and the colors are blue and red... like a royal blue with a dark red" I said

"Those colors would look really good together... let me guess Tommy picked those colors " toby asked

I nodded

"Aatrea and Tommy are doing the guest list... Its going to be really nice " I said

"I wish we could get married" toby whispered

I dont know if I was supposed to hear that or not....

"Why couldn't we get married " I asked

"Oh you heard that" he said

"I did hear that why can't we get maried" I asked again

"Well do you remember you had a panic attack about georges ability"  he said

"Yea about the idea of you dying " I said

"But thats not till far away and we still have time"i added

"Y/n its not that far away... I can count the days on my hands" toby said

It was silent... I didnt want it to be this close

"How many days" I asked

I'm going to regret that answer

"Just tell me how many days you have so im not surprised when the day comes a bit too soon then expected" I added

"4..... I have 4 days " he said

"The 19th" I said

"The 19th" he repeated 

"Thats the day of the wedding" I asked

"It is the day of the wedding" he repeated

"Do you think it might be my family" I asked

"It could but it could be anything" toby said

We started walking back

"I'm going to get a promise ring for us" I said

"Whats a promise ring" he asked

"Its something that gay couples do in the Wizarding world. They have a ring on a necklace to indicate that they're together but can't get married" I said

"Sirius and Remus have one... even though we aren't a gay couple we could still do it" I added

"We could and by the way... I know you won't but don't tell anyone... I think the only person that knows it George and you.... Astrea and Tommy were in the room but I dont think they were paying attention" toby asked

"I won't dont worry" I said

We walked back up to the cottage and in a comfortable silence.... ones we got in phil and Wilbur questioned us to know if toby proposed or something because my mascara fucked up while I was crying and I couldn't fix it...

Astreas Pov

Me and Tommy where planing the guest list and the table seating area

"So who's invited again" Tommy asked

"On my dads side we have the LeStrange family, the black family, the malfoys, the tonks, the Crouchs " I said

"On the mothers side we have the rosiers, the longbottoms, the greengrass, the potters  and the notts"  I added

"And then there's your family" I said

"And then we still haven't made a guest list for the people you stream with and friends " I added

"So were not telling my family that your a witch " Tommy asked

"Ofcourse not... its a sad reality...  I mean I would really want to but im not going to make 300 plus posion to tell your family" I said

"Plus the ministry is already thinking of telling the world that the Wizarding world exists" I added

"Well for a start everyone here is going already.... I want Freddy... billzo... amsey... sneeg... schlatt... niki... stubble... Logan paul... captainpuffy.... foolish.... captine sparklez..... seapeekay.... scotsmajor..... pokimane.... jack Manifold.... Connor.... Quakity... skeepy and bad.... Tina and do you think olvie and beautie should be invited "Tommy asked while I wrote down all the  names

"Ummm yes olive and beautie should come" I said

I mean its a bit fucked up inviting the people that you could have had a relationship with to your wedding but what ever who care.....

I mean they probably care but apart from that things are going to be fine



Short chapter for today its been a while.....

But i hope you enjoyed

Have a great day/night and drink water



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