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?? : I got you..

he said nd give her a sadden smile.. coz seeing her like this hurts him like hell,, she is looking so vulnerable,, her red puffy eyes, her red nose nd cheeks, tears falling from her eyes like a waterfall,, he wants to know the reason which make her like this, he wants to end tht reason which made her cry, but he can't do these, he can't force her to do anything which she didn't want, he'll be paitence with her, jst the way he is doing all these year,, being paitence nd giving her time to open up,,

Nd it didn't take y/n even a second to hug him, nd crying in his warm embrace, he hugged her back nd started to draw Circles on her back in a soothing way while saying sweet words..

Eun: ssshhh baby,, everything will be allright, you did a great job, iam proud of you,, you are my strongest baby for holding it for this long,, now you can let it go ?? I got you..

He said as softly as he can, but internally he is breaking down, it's not easy to see someone you love crying like these.. he didn't know the real reason but he is sure tht,, the reason which make her like this, either it is related to their past or most probably taehyung,, nd he is 90 % sure about his second assumption is right,, but he didn't want to assume anything,, so he'll wait for y/n to tell him everything,, coz he'll believe Whatever she say,, thts how much he trust her.. they stay like tht for God knows how long,, thn eun tried to pulled away from the hug so tht they can have a talk..

Eun : look at me baby,

Y/n shook her head in a no nd buried her head more in his chest..

Y/n : please I don't want you to see me crying like these,, please..

Y/n said between her sobs, she didn't want to disappoint him, by showing her pathetic crying looking..

Eun : trust me I won't..

Eun whisper in her ear, y/n Didn't understand anything,,but before she can understand anything in an instant eun pick her up in bridal style,, y/n didn't fight back she jst buried her face in his chest,, eun took her into their bathroom, nd make her stand under the shower he himself stand infront of her, giving her his chest to Buried her crying face,, nd without saying anything he turned on the shower,, y/n flinched a little when she feels the cool warm water touches her skin, but she didn't move aside, instead she buried her face more into his chest,, eun placed his fingers under her chin,,

Eun: now you can look at me baby, no one can see your tears, not even me,, now can you allow me to see my beautiful wife's angelic face..

Eun said gently nd finally y/n give up nd eun slowly make her look at him,, water keep running down from there face to down, making them wet, from head to toe, there cloth get soaked in water.. there eyes locked y/n teary one with eun's hopeful eye's..

Eun : don't let others break you baby, you are more strong thn you think you are,, stronger thn me, stronger thn everyone..

Nd y/n shook her head in a no, coz for her, she is the most pathetic nd weak person in the world, who only knows how to cry..

Eun : it's true trust me, it's jst you think yourself as a weak person thts why you feel like these,, coz we become what we think we are, if you think you are strong you can do anything, nd if you think you are weak you can't do anything,, you have to know your own strength in order to fight for yourself,, don't think of yourself as a pathetic person coz you are a fighter, nd i know this coz I have seen tht..

He paused for a while before continuing

Eun : i don't know what problem you are facing, nd what makes you like this,, nd I'll not force you to tell me everything,, you can tell me whenever you are ready to talk about, I'll wait,, I didn't come here to asked for the reason,, I come here coz I jst wanna tell you one thing,,

Crossing All The Boundaries, your love Is killing me...  ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now