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Continuation of previous chapter

Y/n : iam sor..ry it's my fa..ult i should ha..ve told you.. iam so sorry, jst for..get me.. it's the bes.t thing for bot..h of us

A tear drop fall from her eyes, her heart is cleanching paining saying those words

Y/n : nd if it is poss..ible than for..give me, sor..ry for ever...ything, you do.n't dese..rve me you des..erve be..tter..

Y/n finished nd smile at her last word, but only she knows the pain she is feeling while doing so.. but it's time to let taehyung go, she has tied him with her all these years, which only hurt him, now it's time to let go.. to set him free from these pain nd mesiry

Taehyung : No i don't deserve anyone,only you... only you.. You are not going any..where not going..

Eun didn't like the closeness between them, but he is controlling himself, don't want to show y/n his dangerous self, who jst want to rip taehyung into pieces..

Y/n : i ha...ve to, I ha..ve alr..eady tak..en so m..uch fo..rm you b..ut now it's tim..e to giv..e you ba...ck wh..at I hav..e stol..en. fr..om you.. You des...erve all the hap..piness taeh..yung.

Y/n said shuttering sobbing badly, knowing very well what she is doing, she is literally throw her soul away from herself, nd she knows she'll live like a lifeless person Once she go out from these mansion.. taehyung shook his head vigorously..

Taehyung : you ca..n take everything you wa..nt i do..n't ca..re, jst s..ay it nd it'll be yo..urs, what's min..es is yo..urs baby but jst don't.. don't lea..ve me.. i mis..sed you all th..ese yea..rs no..w i do..nt ha...ve the stre..ngth to do so.. pls..

Taehyung attached there forehead together, pleading her, y/n can feel the pain he is feeling,  maybe she is feeling more knowing tht she is the reason behind tht pain..

Y/n : i don't ha..ve rea..son to stay. I kno..w tht what..ever hap..pen bet..ween us i was not the only one who is in fau..lt comp..letely, i also suffer..ed like you, but it did..n't give me the ri..ght to ruin others life for my satisfa.ction, i shou..ld have give..n you a cha.nce to exp..lain, i sho..uld ha..ve fig..ht for you, tht gu.ilt is kil..ling me,

She look at eun with an apologetic smile..

Y/n : eun di..dn't des..erve these.. you didn't des..erve this,, i can't be loyal to an..yone of you, i ch..eated him when i allo..w you to co..me clo..ser to me, kno..wing ve..ry we..ll tht our close..ness if not fri..endly it's rom..antic, inti..mate, but I di..dn't stop the close..ness betw..een us..  i che..ated our marr..iage.

Taehyung shook his head vigorously denying y/n statements but unable to utter a single words, it's like he is out of word, tears keep streaming down his cheeks, he is hurt, feeling like someone is stabbing his heart again nd again, but he feels like it's not the first time he has gone through these, he felt the same pain before, it's feel like deja vu..

Eun : wh..at ar..e y..ou say..ing..

Eun asked in utter shock, thinking tht y/n will leave him, his body stuck in his place unable to register anything.. y/n turns her gaze again to taehyung

Y/n : i che.ated on yo..u by ma..rrying him, i jst ca.n't ha..ndle all the..se anymore, i..t's it's too much..

She is smiling but tears keep streaming down, everyone is looking at them feeling bad, it's hard to see them like these..

Taehyung : please..jst jst stay..

Y/n closed her eyes tightly nd finally decided to say the hardest part..

Crossing All The Boundaries, your love Is killing me...  ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now