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Y/n : i love you I miss you so much, iam sorry iam so sorry,....

Y/n said desperately whatever comes into her mind, the only thing clouded her mind is taehyung on the edge of the river bank, she is only step far from losing him for forever, if he take tht one step, she'll loose him forever,, she jst said whatever she feels at tht moment without thinking twice about the consequences.. she jst said it, coz if she'll be a little bit late thn maybe she'll regret her whole life for hiding her feelings from him... Coz maybe she had lost him for forever ..seeing taehyung on the verge of death, make her realise one thing, tht what she'll do with the anger if tht person whom she is angry will be not there, what she'll achive by being angry with the person once he'll leave her for forever, nothing right, only regret of not spending some time with him or not saying what she really feels about tht person. So she said it.. on the other hand taehyung was jst stunned by her words, as long as he remember it's the first time y/n is saying something like these to him, but he is feeling like he have heard the same thing thousands of times, but why he didn't remember, nd if he didn't remember tht thing, why it feels like it's not the first time..

Taehyung : who are you y/n?? how do you know me..

Nd these question stunned y/n.. as soon as these words left taehyung's mouth y/n abruptly look at him,. Nd the only thing she found is an confused eyes desperately waiting for her answer..

Y/n : you... You... don't.. remember me..

Y/n said shuttering, while crawling back away from taehyung.. she is afraid of the words taehyung will say in reply.. but her these small action is making taehyung more desperate nd hurt..

Taehyung : wait don't go..

Taehyung said desperately trying to again pull her back in his embrace coz Even if he holds her for few minutes, but it feels like she is a part of his body, nd even the lil distance between them is making him uneasy, his heart is cleanching seeing her going far away from him, he feels like his breath is going with her.. so he tried to pull her back, coz the only thing he wants now is her being close to him for forever he didn't want to let her go coz he feels like more than his breath he needs y/n to keep living..but the more he went crawl towards her, the more she crawl back.. he feel an immersed pain in his heart nd he Frozed in his place. Seeing y/n horror expression..

Taehyung : why you are ignoring me, like you are trying to run away from me.. why i didn't have any memories of you, but at the same time I logged for you.. why i didn't remember anything about you, but at the same time it's seems like the only thing I can't forget is you.. why i crave for your presence all the time.. why?? why ?? Answer me y/n why?? I know the voice which makes me awake the whole night is yours, nd the voice which makes me sleep peacefully is also belongs to you.. the voice which makes me feel uneasy but at the same time it makes me feel at ease, tht mysterious voice belongs to you ...

Taehyung asked desparately coz he desparately wants the answer behind his questions, those voices he often dream about.. those voice he often heard in his dreams why it's similar to y/n. he also asked to his hyung about the voices he often hear in his dreams,, his hyung face become pale, like they saw some ghost.. but they always reply with an panicked state nd said tht don't mind them its jst a mere dream.. but taehyung is not stupid to not notice there pale panicked faces whenever taehyung asked them about his dream.. but taehyung didn't said anything nd jst pretend tht he believes in there lies,, nd he himself tried to find out,, but find nothing.. hence after some years he started to think tht what his brothers told him must be right as he didn't get any prove tht his dream are real or related to something.. but after meeting y/n he get tht it's not a dream it's real,, but why he didn't remember?? Why everyone is lieing to him, including his brothers..?? what they are hiding, nd why???

Crossing All The Boundaries, your love Is killing me...  ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now