reality is cruel

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?? : Wife..

Y/n know the voice, it's him, her body is Shivering with unknown fear, it's like she knows tht her whole world will again turn upside down, on the other hand eun turn around as soon as he hear his voice, he cleanched his fist, controlling himself to beat the shit out of him, eun hate his face hell he even hate his existence, he question himself why the hell tht taehyung even exist.. his grip on y/n's waist tighten, nd he pull her more closer towards him, nd taehyung notice tht..

Taehyung : keep your hands off her, before i cut it off..

He said gritting his teeth nd cleanching his wounded fist more resulting in deepen those cuts nd more amount of blood started to drip from his hands, painting the white floor with red.. on the other hand y/n who didn't have the courage to face taehyung, it's like she committed a crime, she jst want to runaway, she didn't want to face taehyung not now? Coz She didn't know how to answer to his questions, how to face his stares which will look at her, feeling betrayal.. she didn't planned to turn around


Waiter : omg young master you are bleeding..

As soon as she hear tht she turn around only to see taehyung standing there with wounded bloody hand, Staring at her she didn't waste any second nd take his wounded hands on hers, blowing air lightly her hands are shivering, as taehyung blood Started to cover her hands..

Y/n : ajusshii can..can.. you... can.. you please bring First aid kit..

She said to the waiter standing beside them, who nodded nd jst run from there, all the people around them keep looking at them shock, confused.. Don't know what's going on

Taehyung : it's.. it's.. an isn't it..

Finally taehyung break the silence nd asked the question, or should I say he jst deny what he jst hear few minutes ago..

Y/n : pls.. jst pls let me treat your wounds,... Please..

Thts all she can say, coz there's nothing she could say to defend herself, one thing is for sure she is not going to lie, she knows tht if these time she lied she'll be unable to tell taehyung the truth, if it's what written in her faith she has to accept it, nd she will. Taehyung keep looking at her with unknown expression..

Taehyung : it's.. it's.. an isn't it..

He repeat his previous question with a small smile, assuring himself tht it's a lie, it's jst a joke taehyung, it's not real. She came here to surprise you yeah.. He keep repeating these words in his mind, he didn't dare to ask her the same question again, coz now he didn't want to know the answer, he didn't care, he didn't want.. he didn't want to accept..

On the other hand eun keep looking at them, the way y/n is worried about him, the way she is caring for him, he didn't like it not even a bit, a pang of jealousy hit him hard, the only thing he wants to do now is to take her away from taehyung so tht he can't see her, touch her.. no one other then him can look at her..

Eun :

He tried to say but unable to complete his words as taehyung harshly yank him from his collar

Taehyung : don't you dare to call her with tht name, I'll fucking kill you right here right now..

Taehyung said as pure hatred can be seen in his eyes, he Doesn't know why but his whole body is burning in anger nd whenever he look at eun his anger increases like eun is working as an fuel in his anger.. nd eun look at him with his challenging glare before continuing

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