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The whole venue is decorated with white Roses, whole media is present there to cover the whole wedding, as these wedding is one of the hot topic, one of the Hier of kim industries, one of the top best model, most eligible bachelor is finally getting married, it didn't take even a second for these news to spread like fire nd in an blink of eye it become sensational news, in every platform wheather it is social media or any other platform the only news which keeps going viral is, kim taehyung is going to get married. Kim taehyung is getting married The whole venue is looking like heaven in earth, everything is decorated jst the way y/n wanted it.. soft music keep playing in the background..

Taehyung is looking like the most handsome groom present in the earth, with his black tuxedo, standing in the asile with the priest waiting for his bride, jimin is standing beside him as his bestman, his whole body is Shivering with unknown fear,will I be able to fulfill all my responsibility.. a rush of nervous Adrenaline run through his vien, all the words jimin nd yongi said at morning keeps ringing in mind..

Yongi : marriage is an life long commitment taehyung, you can't back off when you find it hard to keep going, it's an promise you have to keep for lifelong, are you sure you are ready to take these responsibility, are you sure you have healed enough to start your new life while accepting the fact tht y/n will never...

Taehyung : iam ready for these, it's a day for which i have waited for god knows how many years..

He mumbbled to himself his heart rate is increasing due to his nervousness.. it's like his heart will come out of his chest..

Jimin : taetae you don't have to force yourself, take your time, marriage can waits,. A wedding is an once in a lifetime moment for any individual, it's an overwhelming moment of our life, we all want you to feel these whole moment wholeheartedly, the only thing i want from you is to give yourself time, nd heal completely, fix your brokenheart completely so tht you can accept all these things wholeheartedly.. i don't want my brother to ruined his once in a life time moment by forcing himself to marry jst coz of a letter..

Taehyung : iam doing these marriage coz i want to, i want to fulfill all her wishes, all her dreams which include these, these marriage is not only her dream but mine also, we dream for these together.. it's our dream

taehyung trying his best to calm himself but he is getting more nervous as time passes his hands started to sweat. Jimin notice his nervousness, he leaned towards his ear nd whisper..

Jimin : don't worry everything will be alright, jst listen to your heart, calm down, take a deep breath..

Jimin give an assureing smile to taehyung nd squeeze his shoulder in an assureing way, assuring him he is jst beside him if he needed him, taehyung smiles a little nd closed his eyes taking few deep breath, nd the background change, which is a signal tht his bride has come, taehyung's heartbeat increase..

Taehyung : finally it's time, i hope she like these decoration.

He mumbbled to himself.. his eyes is still closed,

Jimin : it's time taetae, bring your bride to the asile she is waiting for you, it's not good to make her wait Longer

taehyung nodded nd with a last deep breath, he opened his eyes nd turn towards his bride, his breath hitched looking at the most beautiful bride he has ever seen.. his Love of the life is infront of him in the wedding dress he choosen for her, he look at her with hopeful eye's thinking maybe she'll reply or say anything wheather she like all these decoration or not, but truth to be told it's been 5 months she said a single word, it's been 5 months he has hear her melodious sweet voice, he tried his best to bring her back from her coma state but no matter what he did she haven't said a single word, all the doctors lose there hope, everyone advice him to stop hoping for something impossible, even her doctors. they also declared tht y/n will never wake up from coma..

Crossing All The Boundaries, your love Is killing me...  ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now