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Which feels like years but finally the presentation finished.. y/n turned around to look at her client which is staring at her the whole time,, nd y/n was aware of it, coz she can feel his dangerous stares digging holes on her back.. she rolled her eyes before Taking few steps forward..

Y/n : so mr kim, what do you think about the presentation..

Y/n asked with an serious tone.. taehyung smiles before replying..

Taehyung : it's the best presentation I have ever seen.. I'm impressed, I loved it..

Taehyung said nd leaned back in his chair, he stare at her intently before licking his own lips..

Y/n : iam glad to hear tht, so shall we signed the contract, or you want to consult with your lawyer or secretary..

Y/n said wanting to get out of here as soon possible,, coz taehyung stares are doing things to her, no matter how many times she said tht taehyung presense didn't effect her, but she herself knows what his stares are capable of doing..

Taehyung : there's no need, as I say I like the presentation nd I' am the one who decides what project I should do, nd i decided I'll do these one..

He said while smirking nd stand up from his chair,, nd Make his way towards y/n, nd stand infront of her, on the other hand y/n is glaring at him like an angry puppy.. he leaned down towards her level.. so tht he can take a good look of her,, as he continued

Taehyung: bring the contract, i wanna sign it now..

Taehyung said with an seductive whisper, his hot breathe is hitting on y/n's face, y/n take few steps back from taehyung making a good distance between them before signalling ria to take out the contract, taehyung chukled at her action , but didn't do anything further to provoke her.. Ria give a blue colour file to y/n.. y/n take tht file nd give it to taehyung while saying...

Y/n: go through it, if you are agreed with these contracts terms nd conditions you can sign it,, nd if you want us to change anything in these, you can tell us,, if it will possible we'll try our best to change the contract according to you...

Taehyung smirk nd take the contract nd sign it without any second thought, he didn't even read the contract coz his eyes are busy in starring at y/n's one..

Taehyung : there's no need, iam fine with it,,

He closed the file nd give it back to y/n, y/n take the file nd give it back to ria, who keep it inside her bag.. taehyung extend his hand for a handshake.. y/n look at his hand for few minutes, thinking wheather she should reply him or not, but at the end she also extend her Hands nd both shake there hands..

Taehyung : i hope these collaboration will benifit both of us.. I am all yours miss y/n.. please take care of me..

Taehyung said nd smile at her,, before leaning down nd kiss the back of her hands.. y/n immediately take her hands back..

Y/n : my secretary will send your schedule in your email ID,, you are going to have a photoshoot tomorrow along with other models,, nd as it mentioned in the contract, you can't reveal to anyone tht you are going to walk on the fashion week to represent our company's collection as it is confidential.. if anyone find suspicious of you coming in our company jst told them tht you are there for a photoshoot.. i hope you can do this..

Y/n said while trying to explain about the contract as he didn't read it she is trying her best to keep these meeting as professional as she can.. taehyung nodded nd say..

Crossing All The Boundaries, your love Is killing me...  ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now