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"Yes mummy"

"We're going on an adventure"


"To meet the rest of your family."


Walking back into your house, you were met by the shocked yells from Sophia and Noah. You could barley think as you closed the door. Bracing yourself, you turned around.

"Loki, take the girls upstairs please." You said calmly.

"MY DAUGHTER IS GOING NO WHERE WITH HIM" Sophia shouted grabbing Isabella.

"Noah, please, let Loki take her." You said turning to Noah who seemed to have just zoned out. The sight of the spiders plus seeing his best friend running towards an alien must have shocked him. "Noah!" You said a bit louder causing him to come back to reality. "Noah, I can explain everything, I will explain everything, let Loki take the girls and I'll explain."

"Y/n—" he began

"Noah, I would never ever put Izzys life in danger, I see her how I see Seven, we don't have time, please tell Sophia to let Loki take them upstairs."

Noah and Sophia exchanged a few words that ended in Loki taking the girls upstairs. You led the stunned couple to the kitchen where you made some tea for you all.
"Noah, I have something I have to tell you. I haven't been completely honest about who I am"

"Y/n, what?" He asked, voice laced with betrayal.

"Noah, Sophia, I'm an Avenger" you admitted waiting for them to reply. Noah scoffed and Sophia covered her mouth with her hand.

"I don't believe this, as in one of Earths mightiest hero's? Yeah right y/n" Noah mocked before Sophia tapped him on the shoulder.

"Noah, she is, look at her, really look, she's an Avenger. How did we not recognise her?"

"No time for that. I tried to keep away from the public eye during my time with the team. All you need to know is that Me, Loki and Sev have to leave."

"WHAT!" They both said in unison.

"Look, you both came to London for a short break, stay here ok, you're safe here I will ensure your safe here." You pleaded.

"But that thing outside—"

"That thing outside was after me and Loki, whatever it is thats trying to attack us will follow us." You explained.

"Then leave Seven with us." Sophia suggested.

"I can't do that."

"You're putting her life in danger."

Your heart stopped for a moment. She was right. You were putting Seven in danger but you couldn't risk her being here without protection. At least in New York she'd have the Avengers plus you didn't know how that creature had found you, what if it's able to find Seven too because of her connection to Loki, clearly Seven had powers, what if thats how it found you?

"Sophia I can't, she has to come with us." You insisted.

"I had you all wrong y/n, you're a terrible mother" Sophia spat causing you to gasp as you turned to Noah who was now glaring at Sophia.

"That was too far Soph, she's just told us she's an Avenger, there are other things here at play, things we don-can't understand" he scolded.

"I know I know but I don't want to loose Seven. I don't want to loose y/n" she said with tears brimming in her eyes.

You rushed over to Sophia wrapping her in a hug.
"I know Soph I know but I have to go. Something is happening and I have to find out what."

"I love you so much y/n, you're like a sister to me. You're an amazing mum I'm so sorry."

"I know Soph and I love you too. All three of you stay here, the house has been fully paid for."

"How did you manage to afford a house in London?" Noah laughed.

"Before you run away, you take a billionaires credit card incase of emergencies" you winked.

Finishing the conversation, you went upstairs and got changed before packing some bags for you and Seven. You walked into Sevens room where she, Izzy and Loki were having a 'Princess tea party.' You laughed when Loki casted the illusion of a pink dress over himself along with tiaras for the girls. Loki saw you standing at the door, leaning on the doorframe and stood up.

"Do we have to go Loki?" You asked looking up at him as he wrapped his hands around your waist.

"You know we do my love"

You said bye to Izzy which was almost as hard as watching Sev say bye to her. When the three of you reached the door, bags in hand, you hugged Noah, Sophia and Izzy one more time promising that you'd see them again.

"Let's go" Loki said grabbing your arm.

"Wait no. You could teleport to other counties and you've only just told me?" You huffed "and I don't want to teleport, I want to get a flight."

"You're just delaying the inevitable and I also don't have one of those travel books you and Sev have." He replied.

"Can't you just like I don't know conjure one up or something. You're a God." You reminded causing Sophia to gasp.

"A god?" She uttered.

"Long story, bye now" you said turning around and opening the door before either of them could ask anymore questions.

"Loki" Noah called causing Loki to stop and turn to face him. "Look after her."

"Always" Loki said giving a tight lipped smile before turning back around and following after you and Sev.

This time, you got the Uber as you three made your way to Heathrow. You rested your head on the cold window as you waved goodbye to the life you had made for yourself away from New York, the Avengers, SHIELD, Bucky.

Fear & Desire - Legacies (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now