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"Are you sure you're alright? If you're in pain, I can try to numb it a bit but it won't be a permanent solution. You know what, I'll go and get the doctor." Loki said, pulling away from you to get up.

"Loki, wait, I'm fine." You assured as you pulled him back down "actually, what did you mean by numbing the pain?" You questioned.

"I'm no healer but I could temporarily ease the pain." He supposed.

"And you've just been laying there all this time? Do something" you scoffed.

"You said you were fine." He chuckled as he pulled back the covers.

"What are you doing?" You asked once he started moving lower down the bed, positioning himself between your legs, careful of the injured one.

"Numbing the pain" he winked, looking up at you before focusing his attention on the bandaged wound. Pursing his lips, he lowered them to your injured thigh before trailing light kisses over the compress. With every gentle peck, you felt the pain easing. You tried to ignore the feeling of his hair tickling your inner thighs as you swam in the river of painless pleasure. Loki didn't just numb the pain, it felt like he had transformed it into rapture. Not expecting the contact, your other leg jolted when Loki rested his hand on it.

"Are you alright?" He asked, pausing his movements to look up at you.

"Yess carry on please." You almost begged, earning a grin from Loki.

"Oh, you naughty little thing." He teased "you're really enjoying this aren't you."

"I'm not" you lied.

"No?" He taunted, walking his index and middle finger up your thigh towards your—

"Ughh" you breathed, mouth agape.

"Dripping" he sniggered. "Oh how I wish I could take you here" he said sarcastically as he moved himself slightly higher up the bed, still between your thighs "but my inamorata is hurt" he pouted.

"Loki" you whimpered as he pulled your underwear to the side.

"I guess this is going to have to suffice" he said, faking dismissiveness before lowering his mouth onto your already wet folds, using the tip of his tongue to flick your clit. Arching your back, one of your hands gripped his hair whilst the other curled tightly around the cover.
Small moans fell from your lips as he sucked on your clit, lifting his gaze onto you as you looked at one another. Watching him, the pleasure was more exhilarating, you couldn't help yourself from lifting your hips, grinding on his face.

"Easy" he cautioned, using his hands on your hips to place you back down "you're still injured" he reminded before you pushed him back down onto you. Instantly, he continued his exploration of your most sensitive area with his tongue.

"Yess" you panted, head falling back against the pillow as your eyes snapped closed. You felt your orgasm approaching whilst you whimpered Loki's name.

"That's right, come undone for me" he smiled, rubbing your clit with his fingers as you came before using his tongue again.

"Fhhuck" you exhaled in a post orgasmic daze whilst Loki's licking and prodding became gentler.

"Are you o—Kayyy I'm leaving" you heard Stephen gasp as he walked into the room before turning straight around, near running out. Snapping out of your stun, you sat upwards, pushing Loki away.

"Oh no, ohnoohnoohno" you panicked, putting your fingers to your temples.

"Relax love" Loki tittered.

"Are you laughing, say you're not laughing" you exclaimed, hitting his shoulder.

"God of lies, not of telling them" he laughed.

"My life is ruined" you complained as you fell back to the bed "that poor man has seen enough."

"I think he likes it." Loki remarked causing you to swat his shoulder again.

"Wait, who put me in this?" You asked, gripping the hospital gown you were in with your fingers.

"I think it was the sorcerer."

"Ohno" you said shaking your head. "I should've worn a pair of Victoria secrets."

Fear & Desire - Legacies (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now