Morning mania

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As most nights, last nights dream wasn't a pleasant one. You always had that nightmare where you were back at that mansion party and Loki was killed before your eyes. You remember exactly how it felt to have your whole life torn apart right in front of you. You could feel exactly how the blood felt running down your legs and the heartbreak of thinking you had lost your baby. The crimson stained dress that pooled around you as you cradled Loki as he took his last breath. The empty feeling as you trudged to the hospital covered in blood. The regret of not telling Loki how much you loved him sooner. That nightmare was the one that plagued your sleep. It was a rare occasion that you'd wake up feeling well rested and this morning wasn't one of them.

When you woke up, you immediately took in your surroundings and reached out to make sure Loki was there, safe, by your side. He wasn't. Neither was Sev. You blinked the sleep from your eyes as you quickly pulled back the covers and jumped out of bed. You pushed open the bathroom door and no one was there. Your heart rate began increasing as you began trembling. Loki was gone. Seven was gone. Was it even real or was their existence nothing but fiction conjured by your fractured mind to help you to sleep? You couldn't think straight. Couldn't breathe. You rushed to the door and swung it open and burst through Loki's door.

"What's wrong? Y/n? Are you alright?" Loki asked as he turned his attention away from the book he was reading Seven to look at you.

"I-I- you're alright, you're here, you're safe" you stuttered trying to get your breathing under control.

"Of course I'm here my love. I went to check on you earlier this morning and I saw you were sleeping but my entrance woke up Seven so I took her with me. We had breakfast and now we're reading, I didn't mean to worry you." He explained standing up and walking towards you.

"Yeah sorry I-I'm just all over the place of course your fine and Sevs fine sorry I-um I'm going to go and brush my teeth." You mumbled slightly embarrassed and relieved that Loki was just in his room with Sev.

As you walked back into your room, you felt stupid for not remembering that Loki's room was back to normal now. He didn't sleep in your bed every night. Him not laying next to you didn't automatically mean the worse. You then remembered how sweet Loki looked reading with Sev. Even to your surprise, Loki was an amazing dad. It put a smile on your face.

Thinking back to the interrogation yesterday with Bucky, you thought about what he had been through. The torture, manipulation the indoctrination. You had forgiven Loki, perhaps you could soon find it in your heart to forgive Bucky besides, there was a fight commencing and you could use all of the help you could get. Whoever this enemy was, they were incredibly tactile and knowledgeable. Years ago, you would have just known that it was a human you were up against but since Thor, Loki and all the other extraordinary things you've seen and encountered, that ideal was outdated. Your enemy could be anything.

On your way to the kitchen, you passed Loki and Seven who were apparently playing hide and seek which consisted of Loki somehow managing to block Sevens perception of him as he followed behind her as she looked for him. When he saw you, he put a finger on his lips.

"Shhhh." He whispered.

"Hey Sev, where's your dad?" You questioned picking her up.

"There." She laughed pointing at Loki.

"Could you see me this whole time?" He asked laughing as he put an arm around you.

"Yessss" she giggled.

Ridiculous you thought as you laughed with them.
As the three of you headed towards the common room, you saw Fury stepping out of the elevator. Your smile instantly fell when it met his stern expression.

"Agent y/l/n."

"Fury" you saluted.

"Arrrrghhhh—" Seven shouted intimidating a pirate as you tried to cover her mouth whilst Loki looked down trying to stifle a laugh.

"And who's this?" Fury asked as he steeped closer to you.

"I'm Seven." She smiled as you put her down.

"Fury I—" you began.

"Your dad would have been proud to see the woman you've become y/n." He commented high-fiving Seven as he kneeled in front of her.

"Don't get all sentimental on me Nicky." You laughed giving him an appreciative smile.

"Don't push it agent."

"What are you doing here?" You decided to ask.

"I know about the dark object, I'm here to help you all devise a plan. SHIELD have been made aware of some off the record trades that have been happening between people of great wealth and power. You may find your answer or at least be closer to if you're able to infiltrate one of these deals.

"Right well, let's assemble the avengers."

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