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Loki spent his morning looking after Seven whilst deeply regretting what he said to y/n partnered with the overwhelming feeling of worry for her. Fury assured the team that he'd inform them if they heard anything which wasn't very reassuring considering that they were pretty much just waiting for y/n to call for backup incase things got messy. Fury said that they had also set thermal cameras in the surrounding area to check if Scar had come alone which they had.

Hearing his phone ringing, Loki put Seven down before picking it up. Seeing y/n's name, Loki blanched and answered instantly. His heart dropped when all he heard was her ragged breathing. Grabbing Seven, he teleported her to Thor's room before teleporting to the location SHIELD had sent y/n. Arriving, he saw her falling to the floor before he teleported next to her, catching her and breaking her fall. Looking down at her, he saw the gash in her thigh that was bleeding profusely. Ripping off some of his shirt, he tied it around her thigh.

"Hey, hey you're alright." He smiled as she looked up at him with dazed eyes.

"Loki" she uttered with a small smile. Loki couldn't help but imagine exactly how she must have felt all those years ago when the roles were reversed. When he was the one laying in her arms.

"Yes, it's me my love." He replied before glancing at the dead body near her on the floor. "I need you to stay awake." He pleaded as he picked her up, cradling her to his chest before teleporting back to the compound.

"BANNER! BANNER! YOU NEED TO FIX HER!" He shouted as he burst through the common room doors.

"Get her to the med bay now, I'll meet you there." Bruce said, jumping up and running towards the elevator.

Teleporting to the med bay, Loki laid y/n down on the bed as she drifted in and out of consciousness. Looking down at her, it was clear that she had lost a lot of blood. She looked pale and gaunt laying down lifelessly as blood continued to seep through the material he had tied around the wound. Powerless was a criminal understatement for how Loki felt. He felt impuissant, reprehensible and perturbed.

When Bruce arrived, he quickly looked at the wound on y/n's leg before gasping.

"WHAT?" Loki gasped, feeling as if his heart seised to beat.

"She was stabbed in her femoral artery, she's lost a lot of blood Loki." Bruce replied as he frantically set up IVs around y/n "Go to the sanctum and get Strange here, I might need some help."

Without replying, Loki teleported into the sanctum before running around and shouting—


"What do you want Loki?" Stephen asked as he levitated down the stairs.

"It—its y/n, she's hurt—badly, Banner said he needs you." Loki explained desperately as Stephens usual stoic expression for Loki changed into an alarmed one. Rushing next to Loki, he opened a portal to the med wing at the compound and gasped when he saw y/n. Loki felt chunderous as Stephen shouted orders at Banner. He couldn't understand what the two were doing, he just kept looking at y/n, trying to focus on the shallow rising and falling of her chest.

Hearing all the commotion, the rest of the avengers raced down to the medbay, halting their movements when they saw y/n laying on the bed in a pool of blood through the window of the room. Seeing them, Loki stepped outside the room.

"What happened?" Steve asked as he looked at y/n, worry evident on his face.

Seeing Loki covered in blood, Thor quickly turned Sevens head towards his shoulder, shielding her view. Loki tried to answer, get some words out, but he couldn't. All that left him was a chocked sob. Looking into Loki's eyes, Tony tried to get an answer as he searched his expression.

"I knew we shouldn't have let this happen, we should have been there." Natasha voiced.

Loki still couldn't muster up any words as he looked at Thor who had a solemn expression.

"Brother?" Thor called.

"I'll take Seven." Natasha added as she turned towards Thor, taking the child from his arms. "Come here princess."

"I want to see mummy." Seven pouted. Looking towards Loki, Natasha quickly thought of something to say.

"Mummy is being a superhero right now hunny, let's go wait for her." She lied, nodding at Loki before leaving with the child. "We can bake her a cake." Loki heard Natasha say as she walked off.

Loki tried his hardest to explain what had happened. That He received a phone call from her, found her bleeding and teleported her here. He also said that she had lost a lot of blood due to where she was impaled.
"Will she be okay?" Tony asked as he put a hand on Loki's shoulder.

"She has to be." He replied quietly. "The last thing I said to her was that she was a terrible mother. I truly am dastardly." He said lowering his head.

"She wouldn't want you thinking like this Brother, she knew it was out of anger." Thor tried to reassure before being cut off by Steve.

"No, Loki's right. How dare you speak to her like that after everything she's been through, everything she's done for you!" Steve yelled as he marched towards Loki before being pulled back by Bucky as Loki stood with his head still lowered.

"EVERYONE STOP IT!" Bruce exclaimed as he stepped out of the room causing everyone to fall silent.
The ringing of a phone broke the silence. Picking it up, Tony saw Fury's name. Everyone turned to him as he answered the phone.

"Yeah— she's here— she's hurt. Yeah, Banner and Strange." Tony said down the phone as he answered Fury's questions. Hanging up, he turned towards the rest of the group. "Well Scar is dead." He stated.

Fear & Desire - Legacies (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now