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Once you and Stephen had practically taken out everyone, by yourselves, SHIELD eventually showed up saying there was an emergency at HQ hence the slight delay. They arrested the unconscious guards and wrapped up the sword to take into HQ. There was a guest book at the venue which was ridiculous considering the type of gathering that it was but luckily there was one so each attendee could be questioned.

"Well, tonight was fun" you commented turning towards Stephen.

"Very" he added with a small smile.

"Well, should we go hom–STEPHEN" you shouted watching Loki teleport behind him holding a dagger. Watching your expression change, Stephen lunged forward, dodging Loki's attack before turning towards the angered Loki.

"Loki, what on earth are you doing?" You questioned grabbing his wrists and lowering them as you looked into his eyes.

His features softened as he looked down at you. His gaze then flicked from yours to Stephen behind you who was no doubt glaring at Loki. You watched as Loki tensed back up as he broke from your grip.

"STEPHEN HOME!" You demanded before a portal headed in your and Loki's direction, sending you both to your room in the compound.

"Arghhhhh" Loki growled, infuriated, watching the portal disappear.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" You bellowed grabbing Loki's arm and spinning him to face you.

He looked you up and down with a lour, which made you take a tiny step back, before he reached your eyes again.

"I heard you" he said in a pessimistic tone.

"Heard me?" You queried furrowing your brows in confusion.

"Don't act confused. I heard you with the magician." He spat as you looked away from him.

There was a pregnant pause before recognition began to hit you and you looked back towards Loki with an amused smile.

"Loki, look at me" you laughed gesturing to yourself "what could you possibly think happened between me and Stephen?"

"DON'T PLAY CRETINOUS WITH ME!" He roared stepping closer to you as you backed away feeling startled by his outburst. Did he generally think that you and Stephen what, slept together? Surely not. He kept stalking closer until your back hit the wall.

"He's enamoured with you" Loki leered, lightly stroking your cheek with the back of his hand.

"He's not" you replied turning your head away from his hand.

"Yes he is" he whispered lowering his lips to yours in a soft gentle kiss before pulling away "and it angers me."

"Loki, what is it exactly that you think has happened?" You huffed.

"You consummated the sham marriage" he scoffed turning away.

"Look at me" you insisted grabbing his chin and turning him towards you "whatever it is you think you heard, you heard wrong. The mission went sideways and I had to defend myself hence the torn dress and the messy appearance" you explained "so don't you dare accuse me of infidelity" you warned.

"You think me stupid y/n" he said rolling his eyes before you slapped him across the face.

"I'm sorry" you gasped realising what you had done as he turned back towards you with a grin.

Loki's lips then found yours again in an aggressive kiss as he pushed you against the wall before roughly tearing off your dress leaving you in—

"Oh you naughty little thing" Loki teased, breaking the kiss before eyeing your emerald ensemble consisting of a lacy bra, a thong and suspender belt.

Leaning down, Loki began tracing over your collar bone with his tongue causing you to close your eyes as your head fell back against the wall allowing him more access. His teeth then nipped at your neck before he left a trail of light kisses leading to your lips. As your lips moved together delicately, you started undressing him, smiling into the kiss when he helped you unfasten his belt. As your semi naked bodies pressed against each-other, the kiss grew hungrier, needier. You both moaned into the kiss when Loki started grinding into you as he put his hand on your back and began pulling you closer to him. You could feel his growing erection against your thighs as you undressed each-other further. Wrapping your arms around his neck, Loki lifted your legs up, securing them around his waist before carrying you towards the bed.
As he sat at the edge, you straddled him whilst you continued the kiss. Pulling away, you both opened your eyes as you gave him a mischievous smirk whilst sitting slightly up before reaching down between you both and guiding him to your entrance and slowly lowering yourself onto him as your eyes closed in elation.

"Oh fuck" you uttered breathlessly when he was fully inside.

His arms found your back, properly stabilising you before you began to move. You started slow whilst Loki sucked on your neck trying to suppress his own moans. Increasing the pace, Loki's grip on you grew tighter as he helped pilot your movements. Your pants and moans grew out of control whilst Loki managed to say fairly subdued before he held you against him as he fell backwards into the bed and started thrusting into you.

"Yessssss" you cried as his hips slammed upwards into yours whilst his cock delved deeper and deeper.

"You feel soo good" Loki mumbled as you tried to stop yourself from hitting the precipice.

You continued your moaning as you rode him, closing your eyes and tilting your head upwards.

"I have something to tell you." Loki said flipping you both over as he continued to ravage you.

"Mmmmmm" you whimpered urging him on to speak, feeling that familiar pressure building up.

"When I was at the TVA, I kissed someone" he blurted out before he egressed and fell to his knees on the floor, pulling you towards him as he licked circles on your clit.

"WHAATTTTT" you yelled trying to lift your upper body up to look down at him as a wave of pleasure tore through you. "Ughhhh yessss" you howled feeling yourself fall into an oblivion.

The orgasm was ecstasy. Loki didn't pause the intricate patterns his tongue was making against your sensitive clit as you bit your lip with occasional small moans as you felt a dreamy languor threatening to overtake you.

Fear & Desire - Legacies (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now