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After spending a little over half an hour with Loki, trying to regain your strength back after your ardent morning, you got up once again and showered. Hitting Loki as you got up, you urged him to do the same, leaving you time to strip the bed and pick up the things that had fallen off of your nightstand. Once you had finished, you heard someone entering your room. Turning around, you were greeted by a fully dressed Loki sporting—

"Why is your hair so wet?" You laughed walking towards him.

"Because I haven't dried it, honestly, are all midgardians so doltish?" He jested, opening his arms "besides, I would much rather you dry it." He added as you wrapped your arms around him, him doing the same to you.

"I'm pretty sure all you have to do is a flash of green and it's dry." You said looking up at him.

"First of all, it's more than just a flash of green and second of all, I need it combed." He quipped, looking down at you.

"I am not your slave mischief." You grinned pushing him backwards only to be pulled back towards him as he wore a smug smile.

"No? Because I remember you allowing me to bend you to my every will not so long ago, and again about a day after and then aga—" he smirked.

"Sit down." You huffed.

"Thank you for your kindness my fair maiden." He laughed making you break out into a smile "there it is."

"Loki shhh." You said putting a finger to your lips whilst he sat on the chair at your dressing table, facing the mirror.

"I will not be silenced, I have things to say." He replied faking offence.

"Alright speak." You dared, looking at him in the mirror and holding a comb.

"Has anyone told you how lovely you look today." He smiled making you roll your eyes as you began combing.

"You've got more knots than Sev." You complained.

"That's because you like pulling my hair when we—"

"Fair point." You nodded, cutting Loki off.

"What are you doing?" He questioned as you put the comb down.

"Massaging your scalp." You smiled "just relax ax ax ax" you pretended to echo making Loki look at you with a befuddled expression as you tried to stifle your laughter.
You used the pads of your fingers to gently massage his scalp as he closed his eyes, basking in the pleasurable sensation. After a while, Loki let his head fall back, completely succumbing to the feeling. You looked in the mirror at his mellowed expression trying not to chuckle when small moans escaped his lips.

"That's enough, that is enough." He stated, opening his eyes as he tried to sit back up, biting his lip as you continued.

"Just relax." You whispered in his ear, making him take a sharp inhale whilst his eyes closed again. You stood back up with your own smug smile before Loki began shifting, leaning forward and trying to cross his legs.

"What are you—oh." You tittered, pausing your movements, noticing Loki's erection.

"I told you to stop." He said shifting uncomfortably.

"You're so easy." You laughed as Loki turned slightly to the left before pulling you towards him and sitting you across his lap.

"It's not my fault you're an enchantress." He said coyly before capturing your lips in a kiss. You kissed him back, trying to ignore the urge to continue this in the bed. You could feel him getting harder underneath you as he sucked your tongue making you moan into the kiss. You broke the kiss to change your position so that you were straddling him. You resumed the kiss as you lowered your hands to unbuckle his belt, freeing his erection. He broke away and looked at you with an enticing expression. You arched one of your eyebrows and gave Loki a grin, accepting this unspoken challenge.

Grabbing his cock, you wrapped your fingers around his shaft and began stroking it up and down. Using your thumb, you spread his precum over the head of his cock eliciting small praises from Loki as he's eyes fell closed.

"Do you like that? Faster or slower?" You said sensually.

"Faster." He murmured with his eyes still closed.

You increased your tempo, feeling his cock throbbing in your hand as he neared his orgasm. Opening his eyes, he watched your movements before ejaculating in your hand making you lighten and slow your movements.

"My inamorata, you never fail to impress me." He simpered.

"You've got cum on my jeans." You replied as you stood up "I'm going to change, we're leaving in 10."

"Alright my love."

Fear & Desire - Legacies (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now