chapter four

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next day

y/n's pov:

we arrived at eden hall around 6:00 pm last night. we found our dorms and went around the town looking at what there was to do.

gabriela, nia and i share a dorm. while xion and emanuel share theirs.

we found a community skating rink and an empty court where we could play some street hockey during some free time.

we still haven't met our team. apparently they're the jv team, and they were supposed to be varsity but the varsity team got held back.

it was around 6:30 am when our alarm went off. i turned of the alarm and rubbed my eyes while gabriela and nia did the same.

" i heard that the jv team has some cute guys. " nia said

" yeah me too. i think one of their names is luis. i don't know the others. " gabriela replied.

" i don't know guys. im just going to try to make it through school and practice. then we can talk about boys. " i said walking to the bathroom.

" yeah i guess your right y/n. " gabriela walked behind me.

we all got ready in the dorm. by the time we were all done , it was 7:15 am.

i wore a green tube top with a matching mini sweater , baggy jeans , and nike air forces ...

i wore a green tube top with a matching mini sweater , baggy jeans , and nike air forces

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" come on guys! we have to meet our tour guide around the school before 8. " i rushed.

" okay we're going! " they said in union.

we met the boys at the deans office. i knocked on his door

" come in " he replied.

" oh yes , the new transfer students ... ms. moreau, these are the new arrivals. would you please show them around campus? " he asked a brunette haired girl. she was very pretty.

" okay sir. " she replied

we stepped out side of his office and introduced ourself.

" hey guys , im connie moreau. it's nice to meet you! what are you alls names ? " she smiled.

" hey , it's nice to meet you too. im y/n. "

" hey im nia "

" im gabriela "

" hi connie , im emanuel. "

" im xion with an x. "

we replied.

" alright. awesome , well if you follow me , we can begin the tour. "

she showed us around campus. and we only needed one more place to see before it was time for 1st period.

" and lastly , the ice rink. for the hockey teams. " she said turning to us.

we all awed. it was huge compared to our last rink.

" so did you guys come on a scholarship or a foreign exchange program ? " she said pulling us from our awe.

" oh we came on a hockey scholarship. " nia said.

" oh my gosh! really ? " she asked excitingly.

" yep. "

" jv or varsity ? " she asked.

" the jv team. " i replied.

" no way! im on the jv hockey team! " she said happily.

" wow really ? that's exciting. can't wait! " i said in the same tone.

" actually , jv hockey players have classes together. we came on scholarship as well. " she replied.

" wow , that's crazy. " xion said.

we headed into 1st period. we made it about 2 minutes before the bell rang.

we took our seats and waited for our teacher to take attendance. in case you were wondering... gabriela , nia , and i were sitting together.

" alright everyone. we have 5 new students here. hello , i'm mrs. farmer. " she said nicely.

she seems like a nice teacher.

" i'll be taking attendance now. please lower your voices just a bit. "

she took attendance until one name caught my attention.

" luis mendoza " ... " here. "

" alright , know if the new kids would come up here and introduce yourself please. "

we made our way to the front of the classroom.

" uh hey , i'm emanuel. "

" i'm xion. "

" i'm nia. "

" i'm gabriela. you can call me that or gabi. "

" hey i'm y/n. "

i felt eyes on me. that's when i looked up and my eyes caught a very handsome guy. he had black curly hair , hazel eyes , and tan skin. i could tell he wasn't white. maybe cuban? or puerto rican. maybe even mexican. not sure , but if he's on the jv hockey team , i'll be able to find out.

we made our way back to our seats and mrs. farmer began teaching.

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