chapter eighteen

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y/n's pov

he asked me out. he asked me out. oh my gosh. i need to tell gabriela and nia.

" don't be one of this victims."

connie's voice played in my head the whole day. i really like luis but i also want to trust what connie said.

i was in my dorm scrolling through tiktok and i heard a knock on the door. i walked up to the door and opened it to reveal luis.

" hey, do you need something ? " i asked because i found it kinda weird that he just showed up to my dorm.

" yeah , you. " he said stepping closer to me.

" what ? " i said stepping out of the way so he could get into the dorm.

he grabbed me by my waist and kissed me. i obviously kissed back.

" i missed you. " he pulled away.

" you just saw me yesterday. " i looked at him.

" i know but still. " he looked down at me.

i walked over to my bed and sat down. he of course followed.

" did you come her because you needed something or because you genuinely needed something ? " i asked.

" both. mostly the second one. " he confessed.

" okay well what do you need ? "

" the english homework. " he said.

" really ? "

" yes. "

i was giving him the english answers when gabi and nia walked in.

" oh hey luis. " nia smirked at me.

" hi luis. " gabi smiled.

" i'm here too " i stated.

" you're always here. it's nothing new. " gabi laughed.

" i mean i guess you're right. " i said.

" i'm always right. " gabi bragged.

" whore. " i called.

" hoe. " she said.

" thanks for the help. " luis said grabbing his stuff.

" yeah anytime. " i smiled opening the door.

he was about to walk out when he spoke up.

" let me know when you're free so i can plan our date. "

" okay. " i nodded.

" wait- " he stopped.

" yeah ? "

he bent down , put a hand on my waist , and kissed me. i again , kissed back.


a/n: omg- two updates in one day ?? wow. anyways , this episode was kind of a filler. but it'll get better. and they'll be some drama 😜.

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