chapter ten

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luis' pov

y/n walked away. damn , no one has ever said that to me. i've never been rejected in my life. and for some reason that turned me on.

i got from my chair and tried to catch up to y/n.

i walked out of the cafeteria and saw her walking down the hall. luckily she wasn't that far ahead of me.

" y/n. wait up. " i said loud enough for her to hear me.

" no it's okay luis. " she rejected me again.

so i had to do the most reasonable thing that had popped into my brain.

i grabbed her arm and pulled her into a janitors closet.

" what the hell ? " she said shockingly looking around.

after that , i made an impulsive decision.

i kissed her ... and she kissed back ?

y/n's pov

i felt warm plump lips on mine. out of instinct i kissed back. and i loved the kiss. it was probably one of the best kisses i've had in my life.

but when i soon came back to my senses , i pulled away.

" what the hell ? " i said again pushing him off of me.

" what ? you can't deny you didn't like that mamí. " he smirked again.

what gives him the right to make out with rachel , try and get with me , pull me into the janitors closet and then kiss me ? all in one day ?

" first of all , don't call me 'mamí' luis. second , who do you think you are ? kissing two girls on the same day ? what is wrong with you. at first i liked you but i don't know if i like you at this moment right now. " i reached for the door handle.

" i'll see you later luis. " i walked out.

luis' pov

i made my move , and she did not like that. but she kissed back ? she's confusing. yeah, it's going to be a lot harder with y/n than anyone else. especially rachel. she offers herself to you. i honestly don't know why i dated her.

something that i do know is that , i'm going to get y/n and that i do not regret kissing her at all.


a/n: idk abt y'all. but i really liked this chapter. hope you guys did too <3.

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